Weaning at 4 weeks old

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The baby kit Ive been handfeeding is starting to not want the milk anymore he eats hay and pellets I always see him in the food dish at night and is still gaining weight, but wont drink much milk anymore I started feeding him every 4 hours but somtimes he wont want it and he dont respond well when I try to force him to drink it, is this normal should I just let him be. If I let him be when should I stop the milk?
That is fine, but do keep offering the milk until at least 6 weeks. I do it by weight, 200 grams. Kits will start nibbling on hay and pellets at a few days old even! Do you have a scale you can weigh him with?
4 weeks is a good age for them to become independent - I've had it happen earlier. I would just let him eat the hay and pellets and if you notice any weight loss, then supplement. I'd try to offer the milk a few times a day at least.
I do have a scale and currently he weighs 90grams I thought that was way to small still to be weaning but he was born small and did loose some weight before I started handfeeding him
He is wayyyy too small to stop. Put the dry milk mix in his cage, but you need to keep feeding him if mom is not.
He isnt with his mom she died a week after he was born he is in with another female who is acting like his mom, but I am still trying to feed him every three to four hours and lot of the time he refuses and goes around 6-8 hours between feedings before he takes it but when he does take it he eats 1-2 teaspoons.
Try putting the milk in a water bottle, change is often. Maybe he just doesn't want to be hand feed anymore.

Also the dry supplement like Becky said

1 part dry lamb milk ( or goats milk, not sure what you're using right now )
1 part baby cereal ( oatmeal works good )
1 part fines from the feed ( you can use a coffee grinder to grind them up )

Put it in a small dish, something shallow like an ash tray ( without the ashes of course! ) and he'll eat it on his own.
Ok I will try and find that stuff and try the water bottle, but right now I'm using evaporated milk I couldnt find goats milk anywhere I looked in almost every store and nothing, what could I use if I cant find dry lamb milk
Oh 90 grams is definitely too small to stop feeding. Sorry, I figured you meant he was much larger. I've used a water bottle before with the milk mix in it. I've hung them on the cage and also laid them in the bottom of the cage.
I have tried using a water bottle for the milk, my hand fed kits never drink milk from it. At that age you could definately feed every 5 hours plus using the 'mush' mentioned before if they refuse every 3-4 hours. If you are using ev. milk make it with that. although ev. cow's milk is not the best. I looked all over for the goat's milk that most recommend. Finally had to order a case online. I have 3 weeks olds that are eating some of the mush that I make (making it somewhat watery) plus of course the hand fed milk
Mine won't either Barb. I tried it several times.

Instead of holding him when you feed him, try offering the syringe through the wires of the cage. If I am hand feeding/rotating kits, I don't hold them after 2 weeks or so. They come right up to the bars and help themselves from the syringe. He may just not like you holding him and that's why he is refusing/struggling.

90 gm is way too small to stop feeding and it isn't even a fantastic weight for a 4 week old. Most kits are near the 200 range or even higher by then. He needs all the nutrition he can get.
You can't use evaporated milk in the dry mix. It really needs to be dry. I bought goat's milk powder at Tractor Supply.
You can also ask your veterinarian to order goat's milk through their supplier. I was quoted $6 for a 12 oz container of dry.

I have been just putting the mix in a little bowl for my girl I am handfeeding. I started doing that when she was 5 weeks and it works great.
Marble was young like the little kit you've got when he was weaned. I managed to get the goats milk through my vet. It is going to be tough to get his weight up but he will gain as he grows. For his well being you'll have to keep up with the feedings atleast until he's eight weeks. It wasn't fun but I did it for Marble and he managed fine i also kept a dish of that dry mixture in his cage to suppliment what he wouldn't take from his hand feedings. He turned out fine. Good luck with your little one.