We Had Eye Problem Thanks For Good Info Here

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Besotted Chinchilla Lover
Jan 20, 2010
Long Island, NY USA
My little chin was blinking her eye, scratching, and keeping it closed. I made a vet appointment. The appointment was a few days off. So I read as many links on CnH about eye problems as I could find. I was worried.

She was active, eating, drinking, running, begging, playing etc. No drooling or teeth grinding. So I figured that it was an irritation from dust. I went out and got drops with the least additives and flushed her eye. It began to improve immediately. I flushed it once per day and continued to see improvement. I withheld her dust bath.

I decided I would wait to see how she was 24 hours before the vet appointment. GLAD TO SAY that her eye is wide open and clean. If I had not know there was a problem I wouldn't notice anything.

I happily called this morning to cancel the vet appointment. I will also buy the best dust very soon.

Thank you CnH.