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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
Hi all, some of you have asked where I disappeared to and then I wasnt able to get back to you! My last post was about the chins suddenly having to be in a basement temporarily. We had to suddenly uproot and move out of the home we were staying in and relocate temporarily to my partners parents home. They had "no room" for the chins and so they had to stay in the basement for about a month. It was horrible! I was down there at all hours of the night making sure they were okay. People would shut the lights off on them during the day hours and they would be in the dark :( I felt like the worst chin mom in the universe. Anyhow, during this time we had no internet access so I couldn't be on. In this time I also began my internship, graduate school, and a new job! Wow, I didnt realize what a transition we have been through.

Now we are doing much better. We found an apartment and moved in about two weeks ago. They are right in the middle of our living room where the light can come in just enough for them and where the air is clean. Lets be honest, they own the joint! Finally, we have a space that they can really have everything they need in. Anyway, we are all doing well now and I will be sure to catch up on reading posts (and buying lots of goodies)!

Take care!
... They had "no room" for the chins and so they had to stay in the basement for about a month. It was horrible! I was down there at all hours of the night making sure they were okay. People would shut the lights off on them during the day hours and they would be in the dark :( I felt like the worst chin mom in the universe. Anyhow, during this time we had no internet access so I couldn't be on. In this time I also began my internship, graduate school, and a new job! Wow, I didnt realize what a transition we have been through.



You are a REAL SURVIVOR and MY HERO for having to endure the hardships you mention above.

It sounds like your partners family is NOT SUPPORTIVE AT ALL :hair:

It makes me REALLY REALLY angry when people who DO NOT CARE about our kids like we do engage in passive aggressive behavior like you mention above to get you and your kids out of their house. If they really cared about you and your partner and if they were really supportive of what is important to you, they would not have behaved like that!

Especially with all the great personal accomplishments you mention above. Wow, even with all that good stuff going on you came through with FLYING COLORS! :bump1:

I am so happy you are now all set up and we are glad to have you back. Do you have carpets in your living where the kids are? or is it just bare floor? (this is related to respiratory conditioning and something to keep an eye on after the kids were exposed to an unhealthy basement environment for that long)

Some of us have been speaking about chin advocacy and rights. Do you have some time to assist us in putting a program together? Given your level of committment to "the cause" I know you will be able to provide some great guidance and assistance.

Again, welcome back and we can catch up later.

Enjoy the kids! (If you have any free time!!!!)

