Watter bottle vrs. water dish?

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Jul 11, 2010
whats better, a water bottle, or a water dish? right now im using a water bottle, that i taught him to use using a peice of pear i rubbed on the nozzle of it, and hes drinking form it fine and is getting the hang of it, but im wondering could a dish be easier for him? im just worried about bedding and poop getting in the bowl, and wha tif he steps in it and gets himself wet?
A water bottle is best. Good job at teaching him to drink from one. You are correct about your chin getting wet from and dirtying a water dish.
This is the hedgie side, talking about a hedgehog.

A water bowl is the best for hedgehogs. Their necks do not articulate the way rodents do so drinking from a bottle is difficult and unnatural for them. They tend to bite at the spout and sometimes break teeth. Once broken, their teeth do not grow back.
Water dish is not a just a preference, it is a thousand times better for the hog. They will not get enough water from a bottle because, as Nancy has pointed out, it doesn't work well for them. Just be sure to pick a dish low enough that they can reach the water with four feet on the ground (1-2" high). 2" is ideal because they are less likely to walk in it but since poopy paws are a fact of life, daily water changes are good idea. Is Pier One canadian? If not, I'd suggest they have great hedgie dishes, ceramic creme-caramel dishes which are heavy (because they can go in the oven) and are easy to clean.