Watery eye

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Clarice's eye cleared up within a few days, around 3/6/11.
It got watery again on about 5/16/11.
On 5/21/11 I asked the vet what should I do? He said to give the ciprofloxacin 2x daily for another 7 days and see what happens. I started the ciprofloxacin on 5/22/11 and so far it is NOT helping.

Has anyone had an infection come back over 2 months later? Do you think that this is probably not an infection?

Her weight was 861 last night - no weight loss over the past few months. Still eating like a cow and demolishing sticks!
It seems Clarice is experiencing similar watery- eye issues as my Chewy. Yesterday I started a detailedthread concerning his condition. I also included xrays. He has had a watery right eye that has come and gone over the last year. Usually it clears up on its own which to me suggests that it may be linked to the roots of his upper incisors.
He is currently getting Cipro drops. The vet suggested a 21 day, twice daily dose. He is also on a 5 day course of Metacam. So far no change. I hope Clarice's eye is doing better.
The drops didn't help.

Her weight was around 850g about a week ago, but last night it was 819g at 8:00 and 828g at 8:15 after she ate some pellets.

Going to Dr. Fisher on Thursday.
Eye problems can be just signs of an underlying imbalance. Recurring eye problems may indicate that you are treating symptoms, but not addressing underlying problems. You can try Herbal Immune Support designed for herbivores. It consists of a nutritive supplement and echinacea that comes in a separate bag. The organic supplement supplies animals with needed nutrients, enzymes, and co-enzymes, enhances herbivores' immune system, and supports the liver with liver-protecting agents (watery eyes may also be related to liver dysfunction).

I agree with your vet; Vitamin A deficiency can cause watery eyes. Actually, many nutrient deficiencies can lead to watery eyes, including riboflavin and folacin. We need to keep in mind that nutrients work synergistically. If your chin is deficient in one nutrient, she also needs other nutrients for assimilation of that nutrient. For example, for the assimilation of riboflavin, other B vitamins and vitamin C should be present.
He also said to supplement her with Beta carotene which would increase her vitamin A.
I'd make sure that other nutrients from plant sources are also present in the diet when Vitamin A is produced from beta carotene in the assimilation process, especially zinc, essential fatty acids, choline, vitamin C, D & E.
Often, it's not just lack of a particular vitamin or mineral in the diet that leads to a deficiency. Instead, it's a result of poor nutrient assimilation.

You can also offer some loose (not cubed!) alfalfa; it's rich in nutrients and enzymes. Alfalfa is also a source of beta carotene.

I'd make sure that pellets you feed are fresh; correct storage of pellets is also important to preserve their nutrient value.
Went to the vet, showed Dr. Fisher Clarice's weight log (attached below) and he already knew that he was going to file her teeth again. So he did that and afterward he told me that he did NOT see any spurs again but he still grinded down her molars. I asked about the X-Rays from March and after he reviewed them again, he said that the curving is not normal and there is a little elongation. I'm kinda mad at him for not telling me this back in March.

My question to him was the eye watering because of the roots or the spurs that he still can't see? He said he didn't know, so if her eye clears up in the coming days I can assume there is something there that he is grinding off that relieves the symptoms.

I got home and saw that both of her eyes were drenched (see pics below). Is this normal after a filing? Maybe he rinsed the tear ducts again?

Does Clarice officially have malo?


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Some vets use a gel on the eyes to keep them moist during the procedure, its looks like that to me. When I have dealt with eye infections that do not clear its because the upper root has blocked the tear duct drain and the infection cannot clear up for good, you just have to treat the infections as they come along. Dealing with elongation is a quality of life thing, some chins with elongation do not show symptoms until well advanced when malo of the teeth is not present, you just need to be aware that when symptoms show up there is no more going forward with treatment and euthanasia it the humane way of dealing with it.