Water problems/Feeding question

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Chin/Hedgie Lover
Apr 12, 2010
Boston, MA
So I'm not sure if anyone has heard about the water issue in Boston but we cant use ANY tap water, even filtered and after we wash our hands we need to use hand sanatizer. So my problem is I wash my hands before I feed or touch Maddie and then I need to use hand sanatizer but she HATES the smell of it. So when I give her food will the hand sanatizer on my hands effect her at all? Obviously I let it dry 1st but it smells strong to me so I can only imagine how horrible it is to her. Also since we have no water all I can give her is cvs brand bottled water...is that alright? Everyone freaked out and all the water everywhere in the area got sold out...all that was left was CVS..

It's bad enough I can't use tap water for myself...but I have 2 cats and a chin....this is such a hassle...:banghead:

Sorry if this is in the wrong section too
If you're worried about odor or her ingesting the hand sanitizer, why not pick up some rubber gloves? I would be more concerned about the food taking on the flavor or odor and her not eating it, rather than it actually hurting her from being on you.

The bottled water is fine. I don't usually recommend bottled water unless it's reverse osmosis, but you guys are in a bad way over there, so bottled water is probably the best you can get right now.
I use well water because I hate the taste of our bottled water, lol. But we don't live in a city, and our water is not treated with a bunch of chemicals ( I hate city water, it smells and tastes like I'm drinking out of a pool to me ), we have our own well that the chins are watered from.

Many kinds of bottled water are simply bottled tap water anyway.

I don't understand the food issue. Are you worried about contaminating her food? Why not scoop her food out with something so you don't have to touch it? Like a cup or a scoop or something?
Most of the "smell" you get from the hand sanitizer is the alcohol drying on your skin. Once it is dry, it won't transfer to anything.