Chin/Hedgie Lover
So I'm not sure if anyone has heard about the water issue in Boston but we cant use ANY tap water, even filtered and after we wash our hands we need to use hand sanatizer. So my problem is I wash my hands before I feed or touch Maddie and then I need to use hand sanatizer but she HATES the smell of it. So when I give her food will the hand sanatizer on my hands effect her at all? Obviously I let it dry 1st but it smells strong to me so I can only imagine how horrible it is to her. Also since we have no water all I can give her is cvs brand bottled water...is that alright? Everyone freaked out and all the water everywhere in the area got sold out...all that was left was CVS..
It's bad enough I can't use tap water for myself...but I have 2 cats and a chin....this is such a hassle...:banghead:
Sorry if this is in the wrong section too
It's bad enough I can't use tap water for myself...but I have 2 cats and a chin....this is such a hassle...:banghead:
Sorry if this is in the wrong section too