water bottles

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
okay i am just full of questions today!!

Which water bottles do you all prefer. I only have two chins and I would really prefer one that is flat because i dont have much space on either side of the new cage.
unless they are glass of course i can put them on the inside.

easy to clean, easy to hook on cage......not easy for my little guys to knock off!
I bought one of those flat back bottles and for some reason the thing never worked. I never took it back b/c I bought it just before I moved away from that city.

I like the Lixit bottles myself. I am unable to find glass ones in this town but I have plastic ones and they're just fine. It's a higher quality of plastic than in some cheaper brands and it has some sort of anti-bacterial thingy on it that helps to keep down the bad growth.

Both the Lixit bottles are hung on the outside of the mesh doors of the big cages so the plastic cap is not accessible to the chins. In the smaller cage which has bars, I have a plastic bottle there too that's hung on the outside but it's held into a metal bottle holder.

I came across this pic today and I thought it was a good idea. Teresa (LotsOfChins) is always coming up with neat ideas and that girl has even made her own version of the Chin Spin.

A simple solution to keep chins from chewing and ruining their plastic caps on water bottles.

Personally I prefer the Water Buddies. But you'd need to either buy a guard for them or rig one up.
I also have lixit bottles. I just love how the Water Buddies don't drip! My lixit doesn't drip too much, but I just really like the Water Buddies. It's too bad they've stopped making them, although you can still get them for now.
I use Edstrom water buddy. They are suppose to discontinue these. If you decide to get these I recommend getting the shields, otherwise the chins will eat the plastic.
I use the glass water bottles that Shoots sells (Ryerson sells them as well).
yeup I use that too, except the super-giant sized one =P ...The little duckie is a pretty cute and useful addition to know the water level.
I use the glass bottles from Ryerson with the glass sipper tubes, glass Lixit bottles, and also have some colorful plastic Oasis water bottles.

I don't like those Super Pet glass bottles much. I worked at a pet store for 4 years and I had many returned because the animals were unable to get water out of it, and the metal part covering the plastic screw-on attachment was cheap and would rust and fall off. Also, we switched our rodents over to those bottles when they came out at the petstore and had a couple cages of hamsters and mice who tried to get water out of the those bottles to no avail... some of the rodents died and others cannibalized one another just so they could get some liquid into their bodies. It was extremely sad and we chucked those bottles right away. I'm just putting that out there because I read there were a few chin owners on here too who had the same issues with their Super Pet glass bottles not releasing water.
I had the same problems with the Super Pet glass bottles, too. Once one of the cages of chins couldn't get anything out of them and I decided not to use them anymore. I have several of them, they come in with rescues...someday I will have enough to maybe make it worth it to send them to someone. :)

I accumulate little hoards of supplies that I don't use like different types of waterbottles or dishes and lots of other junk. I should put up some threads to get rid of some of that stuff, maybe someone could use it.
I will say that I used the superpet ones before I bought the Water Buddies. I didn't have any issues with them really. I've found that if you do a shake when you turn them to put them in the holder to get any air bubbles out, the water comes out fine, and they don't leak if you leave at least an inch or so of air in the top.
I've always had bad luck with the SuperPet water bottles. Shoot...I keep having bad luck with the Lixit bottles as well. -sigh- I tried the water buddies and my chins just wouldn't figure it out. Tried the raisin trick, which caused them to lick it, but not press it hard enough to get any water out. I really want to try the glass ones that shoots and ryersons sell. I plan to grab some when I order more Blue Cloud from them. Just ordering the bottles isn't cost effective since the shipping is so high.

Right now I am using ones from Pet Supermarket. They are the only ones I have found that don't really leak. Sometimes I will get a drip or two, but nothing like my lixit bottles were doing. I don't remember the brand, but they are clear with red writing.
I have had problems with the Super Pet bottles leaking, but I never had one that didn't release water at all. However, I will replace all of them now just in case. Thanks for the heads up!
I love my edstrom water buddies! No leaks and my girls figured them out super quick. We're really interactive if I tap something with my finger they will investigate it and then we figured it out together. I don't have any guards but my girls don't chew them at all.
Easy to clean, super easy to fill, attatch, and so on.

I like the little ducky to help you figure out the water level in the glas ones. What a great idea!
I use the Super Pet glass bottles for now, until I have found something else. I also have one of the Shoots' water bottles, which works nicely most of the time.

For some reason, the smallest Super Pet bottle works the best for me. It doesn't leak and lasts the longest. I have the bigger one for the girls and it seems to leak a lot and give me a lot of trouble. I might just buy a smaller version of it.

However, I did recently buy the small glass bottle from a local pet store and it wouldn't release water at all. It's a good thing that I check my water bottles every time I fill time (by toggling the nozzle to make sure they can get their water out) or else I might not have realized he wasn't getting water for a long time!

So, ladies and gents, check your water bottles every night! :thumbsup: