Ware Fruit Twig Nibblers?

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Me? Addicted?
Jan 29, 2009
Baltimore, MD
Hello, long time no see!

I was at petsmart last week and saw these: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2751778&lmdn=Small+Pet I really wanted to get them for the chins, but all it says is "fruitwood", it doesn't mention the fruit tree? Does anyone by any chance know what kind of wood this is? I ended up getting the willow sticks, and they love them. But I know they'd love these a lot more with all the crunchy bark.

You get much better wood ordering from someone on here like Sarah (rcr) or Pet Products By Nature, plus you know the wood that you are buying and that it is carefully prepared for your chin's safety. You can buy small amounts or large amounts from them too. Unless I am desperate, I won't support pet stores by buying from them and I definitely wouldn't buy something that didn't tell me exactly what it is. For all you know, that fruit could be peach, and that's deadly for chins.
Exactly, that's why I asked. I knew for a while they were selling peach sticks from Super Pet. Just wasn't sure if maybe someone on here knew. And I do normally order online, I just haven't in a while and since I saw those at petsmart, I was curious.

Thanks! :))
I just wanted to add something completely pointless...

I read the thread title in a weird way...and now I'm craving fig newtons! Thanks Brittney... :neener:
First off, Fig newtons are gross! ;) But another reason not to buy stuff like this from pet stores is that a lot of their stuff comes from China or Taiwan. These countries have very little to no regulations as to how things can be processed, sprayed, etc. Everyone has heard about the dog and cat foods that have salmonella and other diseases in them, so I am very leery about what I buy from pet stores in the way of treats, food, etc. Of course, I have to buy dog food and cat food from there,because short of making my own there are limited options for me.

That and when you order form one of the suppliers on here, you get more for your money and you know that it is safe for your chin. :)