Vomit? Sickness?...Please help!

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New member
Mar 22, 2011
Hello! I found these spots on my Chins' cardboard I put in her cage, also I've noticed since today that she lies a lot on her side...Are these spots somehow normal, maybe bad digestion, I don't know, but is this awkward, should I take her to the vet?? About the lying on the side, I've read these might be normal, just wanna check, she doesn't look very happy, is she just resting or is there something awkward/depression/boredom about it??? Thank you very much, I've owned my chin for about 2 months, really new owner. Really appreciate any help :)


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Looks like dried pee to me. As far as I know chins don't vomit.
chins do not vomit. When does she lay on her side? is she doing so after she has had playtime? This is very common. It's hard to tell what that is on the cardboard because the color of the cardboard is not white. do you have cardboard down in her cage instead of bedding? ie pine or aspen shavings? Chinchilla pee can scare new owners as it's a dark orangish brown and many think it's blood.

As far as worry about her diet--what find are you giving her? What types of treats if any are you giving her?
Somehow I don't think chin pee would make a white stain on cardboard... It would darken the color, wouldn't it? Does she have discharge coming from her vaginal area?
I have seen pee turn white like that, at least i assume its pee. I see it all the time in my chin room as I have cardboard blocking off parts of the room. It must not be anything serious as its been going on for years. I think its just pee- anyone know more info?
Somehow I don't think chin pee would make a white stain on cardboard... It would darken the color, wouldn't it? Does she have discharge coming from her vaginal area?

Not sure if this means anything but my degus urine (I assume it is urine since their water bottle doesn't drip) leaves a white stain on cardboard after it has dried. Not sure if it is the same thing or not.
Thanks for the responses...I did some research and mostly found out that chins can't vomit, but also found out that they could, so wanted to be sure...about the pee, yeah I've noticed it is dark/orange coloured but as these white spots appeared they really freaked me out, still don't know why they appeared, and yep I have cardboard, I once put her carefresh but didn't trust it a lot since I saw she started to bite a lot on it, so I preferred cardboard, what do you suggest, actually she has carefresh but only on her "peeing bowl". About food right now I'm feeding her Kaytee Forti-Diet w/ Dental Bites and ZuPreem Timothy Hay and I have given her some treats called "Brillitos" from Abene (These I think are Mexican made)...and nop she's not been with a male
it could be that she is getting a lot of calcium, and that is causing the white stain (calcification). the 'dental bites' in the kaytee food could be giving her more calcium than she needs, hence the calcium output in the urine.

the food you are feeding isn't considered to be a very good one. Kaytee products are known for being low quality. i'd switch her over to either Oxbow, Mazuri, PRCS (Purina Rabbit Chow Show), or Tradition. these four brands are considered the best for chins. i feed Rhino Oxbow and am very happy with it. quite a few members on here sell the above feeds by the pound, so fairly easy to obtain if you don't mind paying for shipping. Petsmart carries Oxbow up here in Canada, and from what i've read, also Mazuri down in the States.

Zupreem hay, from my experience, isn't too bad. smells good, nice colour, low dust, and seems fresh. when i was babysitting a chin before i got Rhino she didn't come with any loose hay (omg!!), so i grabbed some zupreem timothy from petsmart.
I was just going to say that, it looks like calcium to me and if the chin is excreting it in that amount there could be issues with kidney and bladder stones in the future, I would change feeds.