Vitakraft Treats

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2010
Rochester, MN
Are Vitakraft treats ok in moderation? I've only had my chin for a week and she came with these treats. Her favorite are the dandelion drops and the slims with alfalfa. Neither one has the best ingredients, but are they going to harm her? Im using what is familiar to her to establish a bond and help her feel comfortable, but would it be ok to give one to her a couple of times a week??
Nope. Their nickname is Vitacrap, if that tells you anything. :)

Acceptable treats: Bite sized, nonsugared shreddes wheat; the occasional cheerio; dried rosehips; organic rosebuds; old fashioned oats; wood chews.
Nope, those aren't good treats at all for your chin. It won't hurt if you gave them one, but it's certainly not healthy or safe if you continue to do so on a regular basis. There are healthier treats such as a plain shredded wheat square, rosehips, a plain cheerio, or a pinch of old fashioned oats. Treats should always be given in moderation. Maybe a couple times a week at most. Or, you can always give them an apple stick or wood chew anytime. They think those are treats too!

ETA: And Peg has faster typing fingers than me... :neener:
Thanks for the suggestions! I will try and wean her off the "Vitacrap" lol. She seems very picky - she hasn't taken anything from me except her Vitakraft treats. So I'll start switching her over as our bond develops. Thanks agian for the quick responses!
i used to give these to gizmo when i first got him, but i felt "weird" giving them to him. the smell just didnt seem like something id want to feed. i found the bag while packing (still 90% full) and just trashed it. i think the only time i really used them was when i baked Chin cookies. i crushed up one and used it hoping it would thicken the consistency (btw, i need someone watching me if i attempt these cookies again, it was just ridiculous).

but those treats are definitely unnecessary. i think buying healthier treats is cheaper than buying petstore treats.
I would throw the vitacrap out now. She does not need to be weaned off treats. She will bond with you either way
There's no "weaning" needed. Just toss out the vitacrap AND the dandelion drops. They are not good for your chinchilla's health. Trust me, she won't miss them. When she begs give her a safe treat or apple wood.

Unfrosted shredded wheat and plain cheerios are a big hit here.
i agree with the above. plus its cheaper to just get a box of cheerios than a box or bag or whatever of treats that wont last you nearly as long.
She may hold out for the goodies, think small child. What would they rather have, a cookie or broccoli?
I know I'll always take the
Thanks for all the posts guys, I'm trying to find treats that she likes - its a no go on the cheerios, unfrosted shredded wheates, and she doesn't appear to like wood chew sticks. I need to guy some dried rosehips (but the site I bought some stuff on was out of them temporarily...) I know I need to try things multiple times so I'll keep trying!
When you say wood sticks, have you tried apple sticks? Not ones from the pet store but ones that are freshly prepared?
Chinnies love old fashioned oats (the slow cook kind, not instant), I would definitely try them. They are very inexpensive. You can make your own healthy "cookies" with them as well by mixing in a few other ingredients. Check out the recipes on here for ideas...Keep trying different kinds of safe wood, PetProductsByNature sells variety packs so you could sample a bunch cheaply.
I will definately keep trying next paycheck (tuesday) I will find a site that has wood sticks available (my bf bought her some from petsmart but she won't touch them...which definately says things about those products...) She didn't get any vitakraft treats yesterday and boy did she pout! No more running to the edge of the cage for scratching behind the ear :( Oh well she'll get over it...i hope!
Mine love the oats, rosehips, shredded wheat and of course wood sticks :] I'd try the oats :] Three of mine don't like the shredded wheats but they like the oats :p
If she's used to a certain type of treat that she really likes, she may just refuse anything else outright to see if you'll give in and give her the one she's used to (it may not be that she doesn't like the new treats - just that she is stubborn and likes the old ones). My chin does this all the time - if he wants a rose hip but we give him a stick (or chin cookie, or anything else that's not a rose hip), he'll toss it down on the cage floor until he gets a rose hip (or until he realizes he won't get one).
At first my boy did not like the shredded wheat either. He would take a few nibbles, then drop it. I gave up for a while on those and just gave rose hips & apple sticks instead. A few months later I tried the shredded wheat again and it was a success. I'm not sure why, I think sometimes chins just like variety, much like we do.
Pebbles at a piece of shredded wheat!! She didn't like the Kashi brand so I bought just a generic one and she gobbled it up...I guess Kashi is just too healthy for her LOL. Thanks for all the advice guys - the Vikakraft treats were picked up buy the garbage men today and Pebbies now has a ziploc baggie of shredded wheat by her cage :)