vets and chin stress

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2009
I brought my chin to the vet today for the first time for an eye infection.
She was fine in the car until we got there. then she insisted on shoving her little face through the metal bars while biting the metal. it looked painful.
she was sweaty and anxious (to be expected)
After the 2 hour journey she got home and is just staring off, non-responsive to even her favorite treats.
Then came eyedrop- and oral antibiotic time.. not fun for her.

i know its just the way it is, and she will probably adjust. but i hated every second of bringing her to the vet!! my heart hurt just hearing her chirping in the cage. :( :(

anyway, i was wondering if anyone had experience with the oral drops. they are 'stawberry flavored' but she clearly hates them. what can i put them on to make it easier? i tried an apple pellet piece but she is smart and detected the medicine. :(

You can try mixing it in with some yogurt or CC.

Your explanation of her stress is a perfect example of why I don't promote taking chins to the vet unless they need it. It can be so stressful on them and the stress can create other issues!

I hope she gets better soon, and I'm sure by tomorrow she'll be ready to accept her treats!
whenever my chins dont like an oral medication, i mix it with lifeline. have also mixed with baby gas drops.
i have also dipped the tip in dyne or you could try dipping the tip in black strap molasses which is more readily available.
if they prescribed the tri meth sulfa, most chins actually like the taste but the actual act of syringe feeding them is what they dont like.

fortunately i have only had to take one of my boys to the vet and he was pretty good about it but i can imagine of few of my other boys and them hating every second!!!