I have a 3 year old chinchilla that hit her head and or ear. It was a very scary experience as immediately after she was racing around in circles. I picked her up and her eyes seemed to repeatedly rotate to the right which is the same direction she moves in. I set her on the couch and age seemed to move in a forward direction while something was pushed against her right side.
I looked her over and found some bleeding in the right ear. She found a comfortable place on the couch as I was calling for a vet. She whined a little on the couch. Once at the vet I realized she couldn't hardly even stand up without falling and it appeared as if she had a head tilt. This was hard to tell due to her continuing to rotate her head as well. She appeared drunk dizzy but still very mobile. Just unable to do much without my hand or something slightly supporting her.
The vet looked her over this was about an hour? After the trauma. Most of the blood on the ear from what I saw dried. He said he didn't feel it was brain damage due to no blood being under either eye lid and I don't recall what else he checked but no xrays or anything more like a physical.
He gave her a shot to help with inflammation and said he would look her over in 48 hours but to help her drink water and adjust housing. I took her home and house adjusting was a mess but we figured something out very small walking space and mostly dark. The water thing didn't work out at first either until another day.
Next day her eyes rotated less as did her head but still not much balance and the head tilt was more noticeable due to her head not moving as much. She was still pooping okay and appears she was able to eat somehow while her world was spinning. She has been very cuddly and trying to look into short distances. We worked on drinking water more her poop appeared runny from this point with sizes fluctuating and runny-ness also fluctuating. She was okay with taking food from us and still very curious and mobile while outside of her housing area.
While she is in the housing area she mostly sleeps the second day it appeared as if she had diarrhea which hasn't happened since.
Today she is much better with taking water but I'm not sure how much to give. It's a small syringe maybe 1 ml? He said one full once every couple hours but she kind of just keeps going? Around 3 she gets fussy and I stop. She accepts food but drops it from her mouth. It appears she is still eating from her housing at least but not used to her not eating from me.
I tried to let her walk. She seemed very confused on where she was and how to get to where she was going. Sometimes doing circles or looking in multiple directions walking a little and looking again. Once to her location she just kind of walked around it (the spot is a popular destination that she goes to normally). I picked her up and moved her twice. She went back to the spot but she was very confused on her location. She took a very similar path but would sometimes go the wrong way pause backtracking and adjust. Eventually making it, anything involving heights or turning too fast and she would stumble.
Also when I pick her up and carry her she tilts her head so much she is almost looking upside-down. Even when I go to set her down. Her head would be on the floor if I didn't adjust her before setting her down. Also note her eyes and head don't rotate at all but her head movements are kind of dramatic and balance is way off.
Any thoughts on what this could be?
Should I consider trying another vet for a second opinion? (He wasn't able to check up on her until Saturday 3.5 days due to scheduling)(I'm not sure of many vets that handle chins near des moines both of the ones I found didn't sound sure if themselves)
Any thoughts advice or concerns on how I can be more supportive of her symptoms?
What are the chances she will make it and what to look out for?
How close to a full recovery will she be if she does make it? Will the head tilt be permanent? The balance issues? Will they at least get a little better? Or halfway?
I looked her over and found some bleeding in the right ear. She found a comfortable place on the couch as I was calling for a vet. She whined a little on the couch. Once at the vet I realized she couldn't hardly even stand up without falling and it appeared as if she had a head tilt. This was hard to tell due to her continuing to rotate her head as well. She appeared drunk dizzy but still very mobile. Just unable to do much without my hand or something slightly supporting her.
The vet looked her over this was about an hour? After the trauma. Most of the blood on the ear from what I saw dried. He said he didn't feel it was brain damage due to no blood being under either eye lid and I don't recall what else he checked but no xrays or anything more like a physical.
He gave her a shot to help with inflammation and said he would look her over in 48 hours but to help her drink water and adjust housing. I took her home and house adjusting was a mess but we figured something out very small walking space and mostly dark. The water thing didn't work out at first either until another day.
Next day her eyes rotated less as did her head but still not much balance and the head tilt was more noticeable due to her head not moving as much. She was still pooping okay and appears she was able to eat somehow while her world was spinning. She has been very cuddly and trying to look into short distances. We worked on drinking water more her poop appeared runny from this point with sizes fluctuating and runny-ness also fluctuating. She was okay with taking food from us and still very curious and mobile while outside of her housing area.
While she is in the housing area she mostly sleeps the second day it appeared as if she had diarrhea which hasn't happened since.
Today she is much better with taking water but I'm not sure how much to give. It's a small syringe maybe 1 ml? He said one full once every couple hours but she kind of just keeps going? Around 3 she gets fussy and I stop. She accepts food but drops it from her mouth. It appears she is still eating from her housing at least but not used to her not eating from me.
I tried to let her walk. She seemed very confused on where she was and how to get to where she was going. Sometimes doing circles or looking in multiple directions walking a little and looking again. Once to her location she just kind of walked around it (the spot is a popular destination that she goes to normally). I picked her up and moved her twice. She went back to the spot but she was very confused on her location. She took a very similar path but would sometimes go the wrong way pause backtracking and adjust. Eventually making it, anything involving heights or turning too fast and she would stumble.
Also when I pick her up and carry her she tilts her head so much she is almost looking upside-down. Even when I go to set her down. Her head would be on the floor if I didn't adjust her before setting her down. Also note her eyes and head don't rotate at all but her head movements are kind of dramatic and balance is way off.
Any thoughts on what this could be?
Should I consider trying another vet for a second opinion? (He wasn't able to check up on her until Saturday 3.5 days due to scheduling)(I'm not sure of many vets that handle chins near des moines both of the ones I found didn't sound sure if themselves)
Any thoughts advice or concerns on how I can be more supportive of her symptoms?
What are the chances she will make it and what to look out for?
How close to a full recovery will she be if she does make it? Will the head tilt be permanent? The balance issues? Will they at least get a little better? Or halfway?