Very odd incident with water..

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My male chinny was drinking water from his water bottle as usual (I had filled it the day before), I walk away and I hear a very loud, high pitch "cough" kind of sound. It frightened me and I ran to the cage to see what might of been wrong! I saw that he stopped drinking and was kind of... coughing/hiccuping to the look of it, he stood still and did not move when this was happening. I believe that he may have drank too fast and choked on a little water. About five minutes later he was totally fine. Everything is normal now.

Should this be a cause for alarm? ):
That happens sometimes. The chins get themselves all excited and drink the water too fast. They cough and kind of yawn/gag then they're fine. Nothing to worry about so long as he's acting normal :)
Thank you so so much!!!
I was very worried, I don't want anything to go wrong. :)
I am a new owner, though I have been researching chins for almost a year now.
I stumbled upon this site a couple months back and I finally decided to join.
I love the friendly members and the accurate info!!