Very New Chin Owner :)

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New member
Dec 10, 2011
North Carolina
Got my girls a Chinchilla for their first pet.. my husband has a lot of allergies. and dogs are a lot of work, so I thought the girls would love to see a chinchilla running around the cage. etc.

Anyway, I bought one of those balls that you can put them in so they can roll around the house, and this way I know he is safe and wont get lost while my girls can watch him roll around.

Well after 5 minutes or so.. he poo'd like 10 times and started peeing, is this because it was a new thing? He needed to mark his scent? I mean if he is gonna do that when i put him in there, then I am not gonna put him in there, because he is making a huge mess on the ball and my wood floor.

Thanks :)
Those balls are nicknamed "death balls" by chin owners. They are not safe for chins because they cause them to overheat and they are not conducive to a chin's natural movement. Also, as you have seen, they have the added drawback of having the chin pee and poop all over itself.

Ditch the ball and set up a play area that's safe for him to run in instead.
Okay, glad I saved the receipt.. I'll take it back tomorrow. It is just hard to keep him in a certain area of the house.. he's fast ! LOL

Okay thank you, crazy all the stuff they sell in the store that I have read that are not a good idea.

I'll have to ask more questions later :)
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Well after 5 minutes or so.. he poo'd like 10 times and started peeing, is this because it was a new thing? He needed to mark his scent? I mean if he is gonna do that when i put him in there, then I am not gonna put him in there, because he is making a huge mess on the ball and my wood floor.

Thanks :)

He is going to poop and pee in the ball or out of it. That is a given. They chew, they poo...that's what they do. :)

As for the ball, do as Tunes said, ditch the ball and set up a play pen. Much safer and your girls can still watch him.
A better fun and safe thing to do is a get ware large doggy play pen the only thing you need to do is watch make sure then don't chew on it, your kids can sit in too !

Besides if you just got them they don't need to do play time yet
They need to get use to you and their cage and their surroundings
Little guys probably peed in the ball out of fear and exhaustation
I actuly looked at those balls last time i was in the store, and the sad thing is they actuly have it printed on the cardboard 'chinchilla safe'. Im suprised they havent been sued yet or soemthing.
Chin proof a bathroom (cords up out of reach, everything put away, check for holes under the vanity, close the toilet lid, etc.) and let you kids sit in there while the chin plays. Keep the door closed so he can't get out.

Just wanted to add, give him a couple of weeks in his cage, without playtime to get used to his new surroundings. The kids can talk to him and put their hands in the cage for him to explore.