Very bad timing to get this!!

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
I think I have bronchitis. Going to the Dr. tomorrow to find out for sure. I had bad bronchitis twice last fall and symptoms are almost the same except this time my voice is almost gone! My BF is just getting over a bout of bronchitis.

I feel like absolute crap. Throbbing headache, no voice, my cough is getting worse and is all from chest conjestion. I got out of breath from just walking up 3 flights of stairs. Not good! I have my Record Army Physical Fitness Test on Wednesday and I have no idea how I am going to pass the run.

Just need to vent. I'm very worried about this PT test. I could deal with bronchitis (or feeling this crappy) any other time, just not this week :(
I'm so sorry you are sick. :( I will be sending good thoughts your way!! Try to get lots and lots of rest before your PT test!

I am sick too, unfortunately. I'm not sure if mine is actually sickness or allergies. I have sinus mucus, sore and itchy throat and itchy eustacian (sp) tubes. It feels like my ears are itching, but it's deeper in the ear and I can't scratch it! lol. It is so irritating. I also have a headache today. It doesn't help that the weather just won't warm up. :(

I really hope you feel better soon!!! Keep a positive attitude! This actually does help!
Sleep. A lot; it'll help your body use all your energy to get better. Basically, do what everyone always tells you to: sleep, drink lots of fluids, feed yourself well and relax! It works most times--you just gotta do it.

On monday see if there is any way to reschedule your test (I don't know if they do that or what the protocol is) if you still feel sick. But for now, don't stress about it--there's nothing you can do this instant. Just lay down, chill out for the weekend and take care of yourself.
Sure enough, it's bronchitis. The Dr. gave me "Nuclear Powered Cough Medicine" aka cough medicine with codeine, prednisone, and antibiotics. Can't take the prednisone because they make me gain weight like crazy and I have weigh-in on Monday. I'm going to see how the medicine helps and if I'm still having problems on Tuesday I will go see if I can reschedule the test. It just kind of sucks because my last PT test a few weeks ago was pretty bad because I just got done being on profile for a month (profile means I am restricted from PT due to dr's orders) due to an injury. I was hoping this test would be better but if I can't breath, then who knows. Just keeping my fingers crossed for the best.