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okay so the person i adopted biggie from told me he was a boy guess what i did my home work bc i was supposed to be gettin a male chin today and a post came up to tell weather your chin is a male or female so i click on it to make sure biggie was a boy. anyway i looked at the pics and it turns out biggie is a girl. i m so glad i check bc if i havent i would of had kits and i dont think im ready to be a breeder i read about breeding on this site i dont think i would wanna breed. so just to clear things up. it upsets me they didnt know anything about chins.

here are (some) things they did wrong

1. they had two chins didnt know their sex.

2. the other animals they had chewd off snookum's foot (biggie's new name)
also the other one they had got killed bc another one of their animals chewd it up and killed it.

3. they shoved them into the bath and used their hands to move the chins in the bath. and once they got tired of fighting with them they just stoped given baths:(

4. fed them gerbal food witch i dont think is healthy for them . correct me if i m wrong.

5.kept them out side like rabbits.

i dont know how snookum's surrvied but i am glad she did because she is so wonderful and a joy to have around the house even after her hard life she is opening up to me:) (some) lol but patients is key.
but thank you for reading sorry for my gammar i was in a rush to type. i just think its crazy what some people do with animals:(
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I bet it feels good that you took her in, much better than just getting a chin from a store or such. Rescues make such good pets!
yes i am very glad i took her in. and yes rescues are great pet it just upset me that they didnt know anything about her
It is little wonder why people care for their animals wrong, even supposedly knowledgeable pet-store employees give out misinformation daily and the stores sell completely inappropriate products marketed for our pets...then there are just stupid people too of course ;)),
It is little wonder why people care for their animals wrong, even supposedly knowledgeable pet-store employees give out misinformation daily and the stores sell completely inappropriate products marketed for our pets...then there are just stupid people too of course ;)),

I have a theory on pet stores. It goes something like this: First the store sells you an animal. Then they sell you all the crap that it will "need." Now they sell you food that is not healthy, toys/wheels/houses that are not safe and treats that are dangerous. Your animal doesnt live as long as it could on quality items and food, so if you want to continue to have animals you must purchase another one from said store. Its all about the almighty dollar. They have to know that these things are unhealthy, how can they not? How can they have "specailists" create these items and not? Its all a big marketing ploy. They dont care about pets, they care about money.

Sorry, this so ticks me off. I just had to vent, didnt mean to bombard the thread. ;)

Oh yeah, when you said baths above, you meant dust baths right?? Please say you meant dust baths.