Vaginal Discoloration

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NOLA Chins

We just had a new female surrendered. Upon initial exam, I found a discoloration of some of the vaginal wall, may 1/4 the way around extending from the opening inward -I don't know how far. It looks very much like a bloodblister, as when you pinch a bit of your finger. There is no discharge and it does not seem to be painful.

The last 2 girls that came in had 1)pyometra and 2) a urinary tract infection, so I am getting a little shy. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Shortly after the last post, she was taken to the vet who also thought it looked like a blood blister. He advised 1 of us to examine it daily, the other to look after a week. It is finally gone, very much like a blood blister would.

She had playtime on a not too clean surface along with ferrets and maybe other animals. This may have had something to do with it, or she was grabbed wrong. Or it was something else. At least it's gone and the chin seems none the worse for it.
Maybe one of her boyfriends got into a "little blue pill" before you got her? [haha]