Vaginal discharge

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NOLA Chins

Female chin, 1 y/o, previously caged with another female and a male, had a clear discharge like mucus and was cleaning herself. Area is swollen. At the vet a dark reddish, sticky discharge was expressed. A gram stain was negative.

Anybody have any insight to offer? Thanks.
It seems to me vaginal discharge is usually pyometra--is this correct the vet didn't think so at this time? It seems so likely especiallyy with a swollen area.
The male probably mated with her and may have torn her a bit. This happens sometimes with breeding pairs and the discharge can come out during a heat cycle a few days after the mating or attempted mating. The discharge is often not really bloody looking, it will be more brownish in color.

I've seen this before many times with breeding animals.
>The discharge is often not really bloody looking, it will be more brownish in color

That's it. Thank you.

>It seems to me vaginal discharge is usually pyometra

Gram stain would have been positive.
It's definitely not an infection. The brown discharge is a normal, natural thing...even though it can be scary and the amount that comes out is often copious. The first time I saw this happen it really scared me. I took the girl out and was calling the vet when I saw a mating plug come out with some of the discharge. It's probably one of the grossest things I have encountered with the whole mating/breeding process.
No, you can't really do anything. Tomorrow morning she will probably be closing up and there will probably be no more discharge. It seems to come out in one or two gushes and that's it. This is her heat cycle right now, at most she will be open for another three days.

I'd keep her away from males, other than that, everything will normalize on its own. That, and she's probably going to have babies in 108 to 115 days. Watch her behavior and make sure she's eating, of course. :)
I separated Her from the Male Yesterday but I still have Her with Her Sister. (I think the trio were all caged together for about 6 months) I'm hoping that they are not BOTH pregnant!! This will be My 1st rodeo with a pregnant Mom, birth & kits...

Thank You for the info!!
Oh no...well, I hope that the sister chin isn't pregnant. At this point all you can do is give them both good food and keep them clean and happy.

There is a chance that this girl isn't pregnant...although, she probably is. I'm hoping that somehow you don't end up having to go through a chinchilla pregnancy. But, at least you have time to get the females healthy before they could give birth.
Well if I do have to go through a chinnie pregnancy I know I will have plenty of coaching from here... I'm gonna fatten them up good either way for sure!! Thanks again!!
Thank you.

This is getting old: 4 of the last 5 females surrendered: pyometra, bladder infection, blood blister on vaginal opening and now too rough sex. Hair ring checks seem mild in comparison.
This sounds really icky. It may not have been too rough, it may have been a little too frequent during the first day of the heat cycle. If that's the case, there probably are some little bundles of joy on the way in a little less than four months.

Rescue is fun. The chins come with problems all the time and the previous owners never know how it is possible that their "healthy" chin has any issues at all. Most of the problems never come back once the animals have been on a healthy diet for a few weeks.

I would still take the infections over the chins that I end up with that have bloat or have liver issues. There's so many people that I have wanted to murder in the past because of the condition of their chinnies at the time of surrender.
UGH!!! As long as We get through this healthy I will have NO complaints!!

Rick has women issues!! As I do Male now that I saw My 1st hair ring check!! LOL!!!

Bringing the Male "Chester" to Him Tomorrow, so back to ALL FEMALES!! ALL 16 of us!! Counting the chins, dogs & Me... LOL!!!
>I would still take the infections over the chins that I end up with that have bloat

Bloat is my biggest fear. We have lost 2 out of 3.

>Sooo not proportionate to human males!!

Well, some males, maybe. :).