vacation time - what to do with chin?

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Jan 30, 2009
Washington State
Hi guys, I' leaving in a week to go on a family camping trip for around a week and I was getting little sleep last night wondering what I should do with Tinkerbell. Last summer my parents came over every other day to check on her while we were gone, and I don't know if I want to ask them to help out again, because I would rather them check on her everyday instead of every other day, but they have very busy lives and that is asking a bit much of them. I'm trying to think if my hubby has any coworkers in the area that are trustworthy enough to come into my home and check on her.

I thought about boarding her at my vet's office, she'd have great people looking after her, but I'm wondering if all the new faces and sounds of other animals would be stressful to her.

Last option is to cage her at someone's house while we are gone, but again, that is a huge trust issue and could be equally stressful to her.

I guess the best option is to leave her home and try to convince someone to come daily...? I get all stressed out at vacation time. All my other animals do great, but I get so worried about leaving Tink. What should I do that is best for her? Thanks!

ETA - I hate the idea of people in my house while I'm not there. It makes me uncomfortable. I guess I'm not a very trustworthy person. Is it fair for me to ask my parents to come daily when they have busy lives? I really only trust only needs to be a quick check but the drive here from their place takes about 20 minutes. So it is asking almost an hour of their time nightly...
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is there anyway you can set them up AT your parents house???? that way it would not be a huge burden on your parents to come every day. i dont know how much of a PITA it is to move your setup or if you have a smaller cage that tink can reside in for a week.
vacation is supposed to be relaxing, so you need to do what will help you reach that level!
If I leave I either ask a friend who knows my animals to come over who is trustworthy... I wouldnt allow a stranger in my home when I am not there. If I am really worried I may lock some doors... doors I know they wont need to get into.

OR my dad lives 30 minutes away. He is a busy busy guy with work but when I was gone this summer for a week he made time to stop by. I worked it out that either he came by or a friend came by. It worked out well. I left a "sign in sheet" on the kitchen. They left notes for the next person who was coming in and they signed in when they came to visit my pets... sure some might say a little over board but I like to know they are being cared for AND I get to read all their notes when I get home lol

I gave everyone a thank you card and bought them a big colonial candle to say thank you.
I totally agree with you as far as people coming into my home when I'm not there even if it's a professional dog walker, but you do need to have a relaxing vacation. As Michelle has said I would ask your parents if you could set Tink up at their place unless you know of why she couldn't due to temps, etc. Even though I love my vet and his staff, I could hear sometimes a few big dogs barking that are being boarded there and I'd be afraid of stressing out the chin in there.
I agree with setting her up at your parent's house. When I was in college I'd take the chins home with me over the weekends or a couple times they stayed with my boyfriend while I went on vacation. All of mine were fine with the new surroundings and the drive (a 5 hour drive on some occasions)
Depends on her disposition IMO, if she is a laid back chin who does not normally stress the small things then take her to your parents or the vet, if she is a stressor then keep her in your home and try to get your parents to come more often, bribery works.
My vet has a quiet place in the back of the building for the chins and my boys did great there.
Now I have a someone who lives next door(how lucky is that)come by twice a day and my Mom comes over to make sure she's doing her job.
Mom's scared to touch my chins,but shes loves to look at them and calls them her grandkids.
Even with all of that I'm still paranoid about leaving them.
I'm going on vacation at the end of the month too and luckily my parents have agreed to take them for 10 days. They watched them for me this past weekend too and it worked out great. Of course lugging their huge cage over there was a bit of a pain but I felt more comfortable having them there fulltime than having my parents have to drive over everyday. They really enjoyed having the chins and we set them up in the basement which is the coolest part of the house.

If your parents are willing to take them that would be your best bet.
I feel for you b/c I have absolutely no one to come over and watch my chins b/c I don't know anyone in this town nor do I have family here. My sister who spends a lot of time in Mexico and has just moved there for two years has offered to pay our way down there for a week and we can stay in their guest room but I have no one I can trust to look after my boys or for that matter my kitties.

Setting up Tink at your parents' house seems like a really good idea to me. Maybe she'd have to stay in a smaller cage if yours is too hard to move but it is only one week.
I'm hoping my parents will take her, but they usually keep to themselves and don't like to be bothered. So it is really hard for me to ask for any favors from them. But I did email them, asking them to come over daily or to have Tink over at their place, and I won't expect to hear back from them until at least tomorrow. If I had someone else to ask, I would. I have my vet as a last resort. Just worried about all the noise and new smells for Tink if I had to take her there. And the fact as well that my hubby grumbles about having to pay the price to board her. He would rather not have any animals that make it difficult for us to get up and go. I understand his point, but animals enrich my life and I could not imagine living without them. We'll make it work somehow.
My personal approach was to find a trustworthy neighbor, teach them the joys of chins, watch them immediately rescue one and start talking of getting a second (already!!!) then agree to petsit for each other if either goes out of town. :)
I have chin sat for konayipark she was known on CnQ as babygodzilla at least 3x already. She brings her chins to my house so far no problem (knock on wood, taps head). I just have her bring their water bottles since I have extra cages, plus they eat the same pellets now.
Spoof, I'm north of Seattle 80 miles.

My parents said they would come over and watch Tink! Always difficult to ask, but they will do it. So I can be less anxious now!

We want to plan a long trip to Alaska next year, so I really need to find someone to board her for that trip. Maybe I'll have to have the vet board her at that point...My home has a loud Dobie barking and two rowdy boys...maybe she will think the vet is peaceful compared to here!!!
Well, would your vet be able to put them in a place that is quiet. If so, that might work out.

Even though you dont' like anyone in your house, which i understand, how about a close friend, do you have one you can trust. Then if you do, if they can come like 2ce a day and you can write down a list of things that can go wrong and if they need to go to the vet and give her your vet number...

Maybe this is a far stretch, but is anyone in here close to you, maybe they can babysit for you for a small fee or in exchange for services, that way you would know they are in good hands. I say that because I beleive anyone in a forum really wants to learn and so they are probably really careful [could be wrong, but I hope not].

They are the only suggestions I have.

Whatever you decide, I do hope it works out for you and you can enjoy your vacation.

And if any one [since i mentioned this] lives in upstate ny and is going away, I can babysit your chins for you. I'm very careful and check on them alot.

my hubby grumbles about having to pay the price to board her. He would rather not have any animals that make it difficult for us to get up and go. I understand his point, but animals enrich my life and I could not imagine living without them. We'll make it work somehow.

Glad to see I'm not the only one with a husband like this!
Linda at Cascade Chins does chin boarding for a very reasonable fee. It might be a bit of a drive though, she's in Seattle.