using her wheel & bath question

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Hi :) I am a new hedgie momma to Penelope Gràinneog! We've had her since Sunday, and just were finally able to put a wheel in her cage. Of course, we'd been getting her out and letting her roam around the bedroom a few times a day, and also getting her used to being handled, so the little girl wasn't stuck in her cage all the time.

Anyway, she has been in her wheel for over two hours... is this normal? I've watched her get into, and get out of, the wheel completely on her own so I know she can do it... but I'm still worried. I just need someone to tell me that I'm being ridiculous and yes it's fine for her to be on the wheel for a few hours (hopefully that's the case!).

She's also quilling and I'd like to get her some oatmeal bath to help with her dry skin. I'd like to bathe her in the sink just because it would be easier, but how deep should I make the water? Just 2-3 inches, or deep enough for her to have to swim in (or is 2-3 inches deep enough for her to swim in?)? I've also read about putting olive oil in with the water to further help with the dry skin... should I put like one drop in or a certain amount per cup of water?

She's my little baby girl, so hopefully my slight neurosis in her general direction is excusable. :)

Wheeling for hours is totally normal but watch for bloody feet. Often when they are first given a wheel, they will run their feet bloody. It's simply because their feet are tender and once they get used to running their feet toughen up. It's sort of like us in the summer when we first start to walk barefoot. lol

Some hedgehogs like water and like to swim. Most don't and are terrified of the bath. Give her a non slip surface and about an inch of water. If over a few baths she seems to like the water you can increase the depth. If you want to try her with swimming at a time in the future after she is more used to water, she would need a shallow area so she can walk into deeper water on her own.

A couple of drops of olive or flax seed oil in the water is enough. Don't want her too slippery.