Using a Swamp Cooler/Portable AC for Temps?

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New member
Oct 30, 2013
I live in AZ, and during the summer, the house is at 80°. I know that's too hot for a chin, so I was wondering if a portable A/C system or swamp cooler would be a good way to keep constant, safe temps for a chin.
Since I live in AZ, it's very dry and a swamp cooler would work well.

If not, what are some good ways to keep a chin's area at a constant and safe temperature?
I don't like the idea of a swamp cooler and chins in the same area at all. They're better off in a dryer climate, and swamp coolers will add a lot of moisture to the air. Also depending on the type/size of the swamp cooler you get, you may need to refill the water every few hours, and they aren't as reliable and constant as ac. The swamp cooler would be a little cheaper than the ac to run, but not if your chin comes down with pneumonia from all the extra moisture in the air. If it were me, I'd go with a portable ac unit, or even a window unit if you have that option. I know there are other people from AZ on the forum, so hopefully they can chime in with what they do and their opinions too.
Swamp coolers work very well in Arizona from about May until the maybe second week of July. They keep everything very cool BUT when the humidity level goes up during the monsoons swamp coolers do nothing to help. They work by increasing the humidity level and drop the temperature, they probably wouldn't give a chinchilla pneumonia but they definitely won't get it cool enough when it is above about 40% (relative) humidity and 100 degrees.
I could get a portable A/C. Not to mention it'd be nice for ME. It can be MISERABLE with the house at 80, in between cycles while the air is still....

Also have a few extra tiles, so I can put one of those in there. It stays nice and cool. Or even get a few chinchillers.