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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
So my boyfriends little sister got two female chinchillas from his grandmother as well. I went over to check on how they were doing and if I could bring anything over for them that they needed. When I got there the chins shaked at the touch of my hand, and there was a huge puddle of urine and poop on one of the ledges. She has very, very thin plastic levels in the cage, and there are obvious signs that the chinchillas have been chewing on them. I'm angry at this because I gave her a 40 page, back to back packet about taking care of chinchillas, saying what is healthy and what isn't heathly for chins. I gathered all of the information off from here, because she told me that she wasn't going to log on to this website for who knows what ever reason. The packet contained information about cages, introducing chinchillas, them adapting to new environments, signs of illness ect. ect. ect.

Well not only was there a huge puddle of urine and poo on one of the ledges. their poos were VERY small and thin, there wasn't any available hay or food within the cage, the bottle looked just out right disgusting, their coats where oily, and their tails and feet were soiled from standing/walking through the pee and poo.

I am outraged by this, as I was cleaning the bottle she came up to me and started screaming about how I have no right to interfere with her animals. I left, came back dropped off some wood, bene bac, and fleece for her and told her to stop being self centered and think about the animals and left.

I just cannot believe that someone could do that to any living thing.
I'm so sorry :( that is just terrible I feel so sorry for those poor babies! I'd call animal control
Could you convince your boyfriend to tell his sister she's abusing her animals and tell her to shape up or rehome them...er, maybe in a nicer way than that though? That's all I can think of because as it is, she probably won't listen to you seeing as she is prone to getting defensive (of course, nothing is written in stone--she could turn around and listen if you think it's worth talking to her about).

Did you see them when she was changing their food and water etc? Maybe that was why they didn't have any but yea, there shouldn't really ever be a time when there's no food or acceptable water in any creature's reach.

I find I still do, but I have tried to stop looking for a reason why people do certain things. When arguing with someone that really completely lacks logic, actually the most logical thing to do is avoid a conversation. It saves energy :)

EDIT: oh, yes, animal control. Well, I'm not sure I would call them as I don't know how long they give them before they euthanize them. But it's a chance at a better home which they wouldn't have. I don't know the technicalities of reporting animal abuse and what exactly happens to the animals afterwards so I would look into it if I were you.
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Honestly, I have never heard of a family or friend that wouldn't appreciate advice from an experienced chinchilla friend/family member.

Sounds like after this incident, you need to talk to your boyfriend's Grandma about who she adopts chinchillas to!! I'm shocked that she would allow your boyfriend's little sister to adopt two chinchillas without even the most basic information on how to care for them. And from what you've expressed on this post...they are lacking the most BASIC information, nothing advanced.

Christina, the care of your boyfriend's sister's chinchillas (or any animals) is akin to neglect…at the very least. Either convince her she is wrong in her defiance of your advice, or intervene, call Animal Control and suggest they be re-homed to a proper environment..

Realistically you didn't need to post this story on the forum to answer your question on what to do. Educate, Evaluate, then Evacuate (if appropriate)!
Do you think maybe condensing down the information for them might help? While I appreciate all the help I can get if I get a new pet... 40 pages might be a little overwhelming. My chin care sheet is something like 6 pages long, and most new owners don't even want to take the time to read that.... just a thought.

Other than that... with there being no food or hay or anything in the cage... I agree that is neglect... and if she doesn't change and shape up her act, I would report to animal control. All animals should at least have food and water (at the VERY minimum!) and if she can't even manage that, I'd tend to go with the thought she shouldn't have pets.
I did condense it down the first 1 1/2 pages are all in bullets, major stuff is bolded, underlined, and then I went through and highlighted the most important stuff. The other pages go in to more detail of each one.
That really sucks, I understand you being so frustrated! I would be too!
Not trying to be offensive here, but your boyfriend's grandmother kind of bothers me. I remember when you first joined you were pretty mis-informed about chins from her. Now it seems like his sister is in the same boat.
One thing to keep in mind, I remember in your first thread when you were bombarded with information from us, you felt attacked at first. Maybe this is the same thing she is feeling? She's probably embarrassed that her animals are in such a state. While this doesn't excuse how she's treating them, remember that she too was probably mis-educated and confused.
I agree to try and get your boyfriend to talk to her. He probably knows her well and knows how to talk to her without her getting defensive.
Good luck! Have patience, and don't give up!
I know this my be my opinion only but if it were me, and I knew they were being neglected and you have tried to help them, I would report it. People have a choice in how they live, it is up to us to make sure animals, who cant choose their owner are being well taken care of.
He did try talking to her and she did the same thing; she's the one that asked for all of the information. Her parents say that if she doesn't take care of them, they're gonna give them to me.
Well at least her mom knows what's going on. How old is this girl?
It sounds like you should talk to the mom more. Let her know how bad this situation really is and that you could give them a good home (or knowledgeably re-home them if you can't keep them)
She's like 13? And the mom isn't any better, it's the dad that doesn't want the chins to live like that. I could keep them if I get the cage, but of course I'd replace the ledges and stuff.
Yeah 13 is generally too young to be the sole owner of chins in my opinion. Of course there are exceptions, but obviously she is not one of them. Poor babies :(
could you invite her over to your place and show her the proper way to take care of them? i know people learn better hands on than from a booklet. and if shes really that lazy that might be the only way to educate her.