Urine/Dieahrea Stuck around my chins 'bottom'

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I've noticed this for a while now, I don't think its hurting them but its just not appealing to my eyes or senses Because the smell is terrible.

I know its not the cage, Or them in general just the smell of what ever is around their bottom.

It started when i got my pink-white to be "friends" W/ My standard grey, i think that from bringing her home she was Very scared especially living w/out her mom and with a stranger-chinchilla she may have gotten diarrhea OR she sat in her own pee. i started seeing Brown liquids for the first week and it stopped then i noticed it was all around her bottom and stained! I'm not sure should i use wipes from the petstore?

Then my standard grey Just appeared to have the same thing around its bottom.

We are taking to the vet in around 4 weeks ( he's on vacation!) and we travel around an 2-3 hours just to see him since hes highly recommended.

So whats this caused by and is it possible to remove?
You could use unscented baby wipes, to remove the solids, and a few times after to help with the stains.
Didn't mention the pellets you're using, or if you did a gradual change from what the new one was on, but with Mazuri, it sometimes happens.
Even strange water can cause this - you are using filtered water, aren't you?
Did you do a 30 day quarantine?
Get some spoon-sized PLAIN shredded wheat, twice a day, pull the pellets, and just give them hay for a couple days, but make sure they're eating!
If it straightens out, re-introduce the pellets slowly - if it comes back, pull it and find a different food!
Hopefully it's not guardia - if it is, you're in for problems!
Maybe go to chocolatechinchillas.com, read about LifeLine, and get some ordered - you'll need it!
To help, maybe use a small pan, and put 1/2 inch of pine shavings in it, to keep things off their bottoms!
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Are you sure there is diarrhea and it's not just urine stains? Several of my chins have stained bottoms from their urine, especially my whites. It is a common thing. You can use baby wipes to try to get some of it off, but most likely you won't get all of it. You can try adding a bit of corn starch to their dust as well.

If there is diarrhea going on, there is another issue that you have to deal with as to why they are having loose stools.
actaully, i did switch their food From brand to brand

Because the local petstore always has different brands in

it went from nutriphase to timothy hay complete And finally i got mazuri.

This started happening when i slowly introduced the pink-white to her new food.

And no, They dont have any diarrhea The only time the pink-white had diarrhea was when i brought her home.