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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Greenville, SC
Does anyone here use Upromise? How does it work exactly?

Chris' student loans are coming due soon and I am looking into everything I can find to go towards them.
We have the Upromise program at the store I work with. I don't know a TON about it but I do know it works similar to a 401K plan. You need to put so much into the account each month. I know in our store we have certain companies that have certain items that will also put towards your account... but again, you need to be putting something in monthly for it to work.

They should have more information on their website, which is I think www.upromise.com
I have a UPromise account for my son. I don't know if there are different types of accounts but I have one that is linked to my rewards cards for grocery stores and CVS. I earn free money (cents literally) when I buy products that they are sponsoring. It is completely free, I literally do nothing. I think I have 90.00 in the account right now and have been signed up for 5 years maybe? So it isn't a big return but I have no fees or costs associated with it at all so it is basically free money. You can also earn money by going through the UPromise site and ordering on-line with any of the stores that they are affiliated with. Unfortunately, as much as I shop on-line I always forget about going to UPromise first :/.
I was going to link it to our debit cards since we use them more than the credit cards, I just wasn't sure how useful it was. I mean, with $75k in student loans to pay, every cent counts, but I was just curious if it was worthwhile or not. Any other good things to look into or try?

I'm still not completely over the near heart attack I had when I opened the payment info and saw what was basically a house payment going to Sally Mae to repay student loans.
I was going to link it to our debit cards since we use them more than the credit cards, I just wasn't sure how useful it was. I mean, with $75k in student loans to pay, every cent counts, but I was just curious if it was worthwhile or not. Any other good things to look into or try?

I'm still not completely over the near heart attack I had when I opened the payment info and saw what was basically a house payment going to Sally Mae to repay student loans.

I'm sure it doesn't make you feel any better, but between my husband and I we had a total of $155k in student loans between my undergrad, his undergrad, and his accelerated BSN (nursing) program. That doesn't even include the 15k I paid for grad school out of pocket as I went.

I'm now 4 years out of grad school and he is just a year out of nursing school, and we've already cut those to under 100k (plus paid off my car). Hopefully that gives you some hope :) Sure we don't live in a mansion, but we live nicely, eat out when we want, and take regular weekend get-a-ways.
I'm sure it doesn't make you feel any better, but between my husband and I we had a total of $155k in student loans between my undergrad, his undergrad, and his accelerated BSN (nursing) program. That doesn't even include the 15k I paid for grad school out of pocket as I went.

I'm now 4 years out of grad school and he is just a year out of nursing school, and we've already cut those to under 100k (plus paid off my car). Hopefully that gives you some hope :) Sure we don't live in a mansion, but we live nicely, eat out when we want, and take regular weekend get-a-ways.

And just I have $145k in student loans, and am doing fine! Try not to stress....my brother told me something very smart...they cannot put you in jail for owing money unless it is child support! So try to relax and just pay as much as you can.