Update on Richie

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
I havent posted in a while about Richie. And I am happy to post that he is currently doing very well.

He was diagnosed with Malo in the spring of last year and after many dr visits filings and adjustments to meds and handfeeding and crying and weight loss, he is holding his own.

He started his journey weighing probably around 760 grams due to me giving him way too many treats and when he was diagnosed and being treated, at one point he dropped down to almost 600 grams.
I weighed him this weekend and he weighs 740 grams!
He also is eating his pellets on his own more & more. Last week almost 3 separate days he emptied his bowl.

He also nibbles on wood pretty much daily, is eating some hay and gets a daily shredded wheat & gogi berry. Also some herbs but he usually just kicks that bowl aside.

He was initially prescribed .15 cc of Tramadol 2 times per day and I have gradually cut that back. Now occassionally at night i give him .05.
he still gets daily lifeline and I do still handfeed him a bit at night, but i have cut back on that as well.

He is still a maniac. He shakes on the cage SO hard it has woken up my son. He only does this when I am sitting on the couch after work OR when I have his neighbor out for playtime.

Just wanted to share about my bestest buddy. He will be 6 this year. Since I dont know his origin and how old he was when he came to me, I gave him the same date as my Dog.........July 18. So In less than one month my baby will be 6........never thought he would make it, so he will get an extra special treat & extended playtime on his birthday.
I just love happy updates.

I am so glad to hear that he is doing well and has gained his weight back.
Michelle, that is great news! :D I always think about Ritchie and sometimes wonder how he's doing. You're an awesome and such a dedicated mommy to him. I remember when you first found out about Ritchie's malo :(, I can't believe it's been over a year. I know you said you're celebrating him being 6 soon but is that how long you've had him or just estimating his age? I ask because I'm hopeful even though I know every chin is different, that CJ's with me that long.
Richie was given to my son by my x-husbands friend. we recieved him in january 2005, in looking back at his pictures and remembering how little he was, i am estimating he was between 4 - 6 months (after having the chins from arlington, i have a better gauge).
so he was born sometime between july & september of 2004.
so yes i have had him for 5 years, but i am guessing on his exact age, but i am pretty sure i am close enough that he will be 6 in the upcoming months.
he is more feisty now than he ever was. i have a very strong connection with him, as we have spent a LOT of time together. the mere sound of my voice stirs him from his comfy bed. my dog can be barking her head off, the 3 boys can be having a nerf gun war and he will not budge, i walk by his cage and speak and he sweet little head pops right up! and he goes into full psycho mode and starts shaking his cage like nothing i have ever seen before!
he is more feisty now than he ever was. i have a very strong connection with him, as we have spent a LOT of time together. the mere sound of my voice stirs him from his comfy bed. my dog can be barking her head off, the 3 boys can be having a nerf gun war and he will not budge, i walk by his cage and speak and he sweet little head pops right up! and he goes into full psycho mode and starts shaking his cage like nothing i have ever seen before!

This is the EXACT same situation with CJ and I, seriously. Tab and a few others inluding my husband call him "momma's boy" LOL!
That's so great Michelle! It sounds like he really loves you and he couldn't have pulled through the hardships without you :dance3: