Update on Herby

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
Herby and I just got back from our trip to the vet today. She is doing fine, just a bit groggy from the gas. She ended up losing one tooth, as it came out when the vet was doing her initial oral exam and she had points on all her molars. They clipped them off then filed them all down. She also had her incisors trimmed, though they were not bad, but I figured while we were in there I would have them done. I was also told that she has an extraordinarily small mouth..

As it has only been 6 weeks since her last filing, she now has to go back every 4 to 5 weeks to keep them in check and see how her teeth are doing. But Dr. Floyd thinks she will be fine, as long as we stay on top of this. Herby is on pain meds and an antibiotic, as Dr. Floyd accidentally clipped Herby's gum because she started to wake up and squirmed. The meds are SMZTMP..can not remember what that stands for..and Meloxicam, along with some Bene Bac gel. I am also going to give her some baby gas drops just in case. I also have to feed her CC until I see her eating on her own again.

I also want to thank everyone for the good vibes they sent! :thumbsup:
You were given trimethoprim sulfa, which comes in cherry and grape flavored, just like for kids! My guys hate the grape, but grab the syringe for the cherry.

You'll want to keep a close eye on her if you're going to have to go back so frequently for trimmings. That's a lot of pain, all the time, for an animal that won't understand why. I'm really happy for you that she was able to be trimmed to a good level today, but I would ask you to really think about whether or not it's in the best interests of Herby to keep doing this basically every month. At some point, it may become a quantity over quality of life issue.
I hear what you are saying Tunes and I am taking it a week at a time, really. The doc did say to watch her for the next few days and if it seems she is not getting better, to call and bring Herby in.
I had my youngest son with me today and did not want to broach the subject, with him there, on euthanasia.We just lost our Golden Retriever in November and he is still grieving over her and it would have devastated him to talk about it today. That and I want to prepare all my children for it, before having it done when the time comes. I plan on talking to them this week about it and letting them know that while I had it done this time, I may not have it done next time because of the risks to Herby and how it affects her life.

I was in the room with her when they did the procedure and I saw how hard it is on her and when the time comes to help her over the Rainbow Bridge, I will grieve and agonize about it, but will help her make the journey peacefully.
I agree with Peggy...this does not sound like a good quality of life with clippings and filings happening so often. I can understand debating about PTS if the chin were going at least 2 months between clippings and filings...but she has to go back every month. I understand you want to save your kids more heartache so soon, but isn't it better to leave them with a memory of her being a happy chin instead of undernourished and gasping for her last breath?

If it were my chin (and I've dealt with malo before) I would have done PTS upon finding the spurs on all her molars and the one tooth coming out. Like Claire_D has said before "better a minute too early, than a second too late." The most important thing to me is to save the animals I love from pain.
Sounds like you have Herby under control for now..........hopefully she will do better this time. If not, sounds like you have a tough decision to make.
I hope so too Mishellyshel! So far she is doing okay, even better than before the teeth issues started. She has never been much of a chewer and now she is chewing on everything she can get her paws on! I have had to take things out of her cage because she has started chewing on them, in fact.

And she is eating better too, and eating a new food. I had her on Oxbow but after spilling an entire bag of it on the floor and not having anymore, I had to give her some Mazuri and she loves it! She has not taken her head out of the bowl since I filled it. I am watching for some of the problems that others have had with it, but so far her poop has never looked better.

I guess right now,you could say I am guardedly optimistic and know that at any time she could turn the other way. I am still feeding her her CC and her meds, so that may have something to do with the renewed appetite, but I will take it either way.