the dreamer
Just something I was wondering about.
never buy parrot toys caust i didn't think you could give them to chins
Tab, there are lots of toys in pet stores that are not wrapped in any way. Like a willow ball with a tag through it, or a bundle of twigs tied together. I don't buy any of them because I don't think they can be cleaned properly and I was wondering if other people feel the same way or differently. Does that make sense?
That makes much more sense. Apparently I posted before the poll went up as well, so it was just that initial post of yours that I saw and it was really confusing, lol.
I worked at a PetSmart for 3 months...I wouldn't buy any of those toys. It's cheaper to make them and more chinchilla specific. Not to mention, the amount of people that handle those toys, drop them, sneeze on them, cough on them or the kids that stick them in their mouths. Eewwww...
OMG.....I could do a whole page on public washrooms. I can tell you from experience, when you get money back at a store, there's a very good chance the cashier has not washed thier hands after a pee break. As if money isn't dirty enough already.:vomit: That's all I'm going to say....except that the charmin to go toilet seat covers make me very happy hahahahahaha I must be nuts.
You HOPE it was only a pee break and not number 2, LOL! Seriously, if I could have a dream house it would have a bidet so things could get really cleaned and not just smeared around......