unruly chin?

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
I just got home 30 min ago. I see Tator's penis out so I wondered to myself if he might have a hair ring. So i go to check. Now since i got Gabby, he no longer hops onto my hands and has been biting them lately. Well I wanted to make sure he was ok and started taking things from his cage that he would use to get away from me. When i grabbed hold of him at his base of the tail he gave a wimper. I didnt even grab hard to hurt him. I finally got him on his back with him squirming and trying to make a break and didnt see a hair ring and released him. I had to remove all of his items out except for the wheel and his food and water supply. How would you have handled this? I'm not returning anything else in until he behaves himself. if he would have been more nicer he'd be enjoying his fleece items and ledges.
I don't think that your chinchilla did anything to deserve not having his items, personally. He had his penis out, perhaps just cleaning or doing whatever with it, completely natural. He doesn't like to be handled, completely natural. I don't know the history of your chin acquisitions, is the other chin new to the household? It would be completely natural for a chin to act differently given an introduction of a new (and possibly opposite sex?) chinchilla to his space. I think you should put all of his things back and chill out a little ;). You have to re-establish your bond it sounds like. It happens.
He's not a child. The only thing you are going to accomplish by holding his things back from him is frustration for him and very possibly fear of you. Give him back his things. He doesn't know he did anything wrong. He's just acting like a chin.

I agree with JM, most likely he's upset at the intrusion of a new chin into his home, especially if it's a breedable female. He's letting you know that he's unhappy. Attempting to punish him isn't going to fix it. More time spent with him might though.
maybe i did act a little harsh to the poor guy. i gave him most of his stuff back, gonna use the rest to give my girl some new items. I need to leave my work attitude at work and not take it out on my buddies. I made sure i gave him an extra treat as an i'm sorry gift.
Ditto to the above, first thing I thought was what if your roles were reversed and Tator grabbed you and checked out your bits and pieces, not to mention kept your supermodel girlfriend locked up away from you.