unresponsive chin

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guys, last night my husband and i went out and left the AC on for our chins. the AC seemed to have broke while we were out and when we got back the room was quite hot. i would say near high 70's. both our chins were fine though - they were running around and seemed to be very active. just in case they were overheating, i put some crushed ice in a small metal feeding bowl and put it in their cage in case they wanted to cool themselves down. after one of the chins ate a bit of the crushed ice, he started acting very slow and became unresponsive. when i offered him a rose hip, he turned away, which *never* happens. then we noticed that he's been sleeping with his butt up and his head leaning on the floor. he doesn't look bloated and didn't feel gassy throughout the entire night. this morning, he was still hanging around in the butt up and head down position so we took him out of the cage and temporarily put him in his playpen to see if he's still eating and crapping. he ate some petromalt, is moving around still very unenergetically but we can't tell if he's been crapping. does anyone possibly know what might be wrong with our baby? :tissue: we're so worried!!!!
Petromalt is for dogs and cats, not chins. It's made for carnivores. If you want to try and perk him up, try and rub a very small amount of Karo syrup on his gums. This is for future use, not now.

Now, your chin needs a vet and he needs it ASAP. It's possible he suffered a heat stroke. Get him to a vet, get subcu fluids pushed into his body. Listlessness and lethargy in a chin are the kiss of death. He needs veterinary care right now.

we put a dust bath in totoro's quarantine and he went straight for it. even looked like he wanted to eat some sand. we saw that totoro poo'd but definitely less than normal. his poo also is smaller and softer but still solid.

can anyone recommend a good chin vet in the new york city area? our vet is not available.
thank you

thank you everyone for your help and concern! totoro is all better now. he just wanted water, to be left alone to rest and to cool down. :thumbsup:
What did the vet say? That seems strange that he went from what seemed like near death to fine? Did he go to the vet?