Unique Fun Dog Tricks?

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Deer Park, WA
Does anyone have any unique/different tricks that your dog knows? I'd love to hear about them!

Border Collie Meg has really caught on to clicker training and since the shorter day and colder weather are starting to force us inside more, we've been working on tricks. She knows the basic obedience stuff (sit, down, stay, stand, leave it). She also knows 'shake' (right paw), 'paw' (left paw), 'wave', 'crawl', 'pretty' (sit up), 'roll over', 'back up', and she also plays the piano (her current favorite trick). We're working on 'bow'.

She plays Frisbee, we're taking agility classes and I hope to start taking her to day camp a couple times a week next month for some winter exersice and socialization, but I'm looking for some more things that we can have fun with and work on in the house to keep her mind occupied. (I have the book '101 Dog Tricks' somewhere...need to find it.)

I'd love to hear of any cool tricks you've taught your dogs over the years.
I taught my ex's dog circle (left), reverse(right), and SPINNNNNN! (said in a high squeaky voice so she'd do it two or three times in a row like a little pirouette). She did a lot of going in circles anyway, and was having a really hard time with "lay down on your belly" v "flop onto your back and submissively urinate", so I wanted a trick that was easy for her to 'get' to rebuild some confidence. Funny story: The day after I introduced it, she came into my office while I was at the computer, but I didn't pay her much attention b/c she liked to come in and lay on the spare bed. Imagine my surprise when she nudged my leg with her nose, stared at me for a second, and then spun on her back legs. The light bulb went on over my head. "Do you have to go potty?" and OMG did she dance! She decided that spin meant "Hey human, I gotta pee!" and it was an active enough alert that my ex would notice it while he was playing video games, so she stopped having accidents in the house. Only took 2 years for her to train one of us! lol

Other tricks I'd planned with her (had I stayed) were peek-a-boo and tucking herself into bed (since she hides under blankets a lot).
I taught Luka (Italian Greyhound) a very unique, but probably useless trick for most people. First a little background: he was litter box trained from a young age because I lived in an upstairs apartment when I got him. So he would go to his box, pee, and come back only to jump on someone's lap to get comfy and snuggle. He inevitably had a drop or two of pee still hanging on, and people (me included) were getting slimed (eww).
So, with a little creative clicker training, I taught him to "lick your wiener" on command. After he would pee, I gave the cue, he'd clean up, and everyone was happy about not getting dribbled on. Now its more of a cute trick, I ask him "Where's your wiener?" and he pulls his head around and points his nose in that direction :)

But anyways, he also knows how to turn on touch-lamps, pick up his toys and put them in the box, "dance", "Bang!", and we work with hoops and tunnels which are great winter activities.
Some unique ones in my household:
My dogs know "bang" or "dead dog" to lay on their side. Sometimes they'll almost fall over, but not quite. When they don't want to die and try to keep their head up I tell them "put your head down!" then they really look like a dead dog. They also know "possum" where they roll onto their back with their legs up in the air.
They know "spin" to spin in circles on all four feet. Lela knows "dance" as just stand on her back legs, whereas Jasmine knows "dance" as stand on her back legs and spin in circles.
Instead of specifying left and right paws, mine know "paw" and "other paw" I can just keep saying "other paw" and they'll keep alternating.
They both know "high five" and "high ten". Jasmine knows "touch" where she'll touch my hand with her paws whereever I put my hand.
I taught my moms dog to "pray" - she puts her front feet on my arm and tucks her head between them. She also knows to "wait" when I put a treat on her nose and "catch it" when I release her. I taught her "get dizzy" where she'll spin once then roll over. That one is hilarious!
I'm currently trying to teach Lela to "weave" between my legs, in hopes that we won't have such a difficult time weaving between poles for agility.
I love high fives, those are my favorite! Especially when our corgi does them - he's so short, he has to REAAAR up. It's cute.

I taught our dog to "go hide", meaning he'll run to the bathroom and wait for a bit until someone comes after him. I use this when we have the vacuum out or company (he likes to submissive pee as well, and he barks constantly).

He also knows "salute!", which causes him to sit down and bark once. He knows "where's <object>?", and you can ask him where's mommy (my mom), where's daddy (my dad), where's his ball, etc.
I bought my dad a trick book for Christmas a couple years ago when he first got his weimaraner. He's a really smart dog and my dad was really persistant, so he knows quite a bit. A few of my favorites are:

Sing- Chrome (the weim) will howl in a silly high pitched tone...it's pretty funny.

Shake- not the paw shake, but actually shake his body like he just got out of a bath. Pretty useful for if he's been outside and wants to come in so he doesn't do it on his terms INSIDE the house.

He fetches the remote and beer from the fridge. (Obviously a dad's dog.)

Moonwalk- He bows and scoots backwards- really funny to see a large dog do.

He knows many others, but those are just some of my favorites. :))
Shake- not the paw shake, but actually shake his body like he just got out of a bath. Pretty useful for if he's been outside and wants to come in so he doesn't do it on his terms INSIDE the house.

I also taught mine this - VERY useful!
All of our dogs also know how to "talk" - I hate barking, so they do a low rumble or whine instead when they want something.

Lela can also "cheese" where she lifts her upper lip so you can see all her top teeth. It's not the same as when she's being vicious - it's ridiculously adorable. She greets me every morning when I wake up and when I come home with the cheesy face.
my dog maddie will "beg". she'll do it on command or on her own. when we eat she will be sitting there begging. or if she wants some love she'll beg also. i taught her how to do this one morning before school in 10 minutes. it stuck and she's never forgot it. when shes in the beg position she stands on her back feet then lowers her butt to the ground. then she tucks her feet up against her chest. I have a picture of it on my phone but i cant find the camera. while shes in the beg position if you stick your hand out in front of her she will "shake" if you ask. she'll do anything for a treat!