Unfriendly chinchilla babies ?

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May 25, 2010
I was wondering if possibly the kits i have are going to grow up to be unfriendly. I think this might happen because i am doing rotation and when i come up to the cage the kit hides because she knows that I'm taking her away from her mom to put her in the carrier . So there scared of me because they don't want me to take them away. What should i doo ?
They aren't scared, they just don't want to stop nursing. Don't worry about it. They're being handled daily and are well socialized with people. The chances of them being unfriendly are low unless you're physically hurting them.
My 2 babies run from away when I open the cage and run around a bit, but be patient and they will always come to you. I guess right now your's are to little and you have to take them off the teat, but it will be OK