Tonight as I was refilling food and water for my female chin,Shirley, I almost jumped out of my skin as I thought a tiny mouse was in the lower half of her cage. Imagine my surprise to find out she had babies in there! There were 2 babies. Apparently when our male chin, Goober, had made an escape a little while bag, he got a little too close to Shirley. So anyways, I spent about an hour moving things around and confing them to the lower half of her cage. I am going to work on baby proofing it tomorrow as I had no idea babies were coming and it is now 11pm. I used to be a regular active member of this site, but have not been as involved since my littlest boy turned 2 and I went back to school (just no time:tantrum So, my first question is, can anyone tell how old the babies may be from the pictures? I know this seems silly, but she has a two tiered cage and all of the food and water was previously in the top of the cage, and she had the babies hiding out in a hidey house in the bottom. Also, I think I had read previously that I should not have dust in the cage with the babies until they are a certain age. Is that true and if so how old? I know this is just the beginning, but I know how helpful everyone on this forum is and I know you guys will know these answers.