Separate Avatar and Delilah now to avoid future pregnancies for one thing. Get some Blu Kote for Avatar's hand, make sure there is no bone sticking out otherwise he's definitely going to need the vet. Blu Kote can be gotten at most farm supply stores, such as Tractor Supply and you'll just need to dab some on his finger. Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't start swelling or looking infected, and if it does, you'll need to take him to the vet.
The baby honestly looks like a standard by the picture. Make sure you get the baby sexed properly (if you can post pics, we can help) that way you know who the baby should go with when it turns 8 weeks old. Unless you get Avatar neutered, do NOT return him to Delilah, otherwise you're going to keep finding kits in their cage.
Good luck with the baby, and if you have any questions, feel free to post them on here. Be sure to read through the breeding FAQs too.