Unexpected babies!! advice?

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
I just came home and there are two kits in one of my chins cage. I didn't even know she was pregnant, I thought she'd just gained a lot of weight because she was becoming full size. This was so random and I'm so happy, but what do I do? thank you :)
Congrats on the babies :))

Is the mom in with a male currently? If so they should be separated.

Make sure the babies cannot escape the cage. If the cage has large wire openings you can wrap it in 1/4" hardware cloth as an easy fix. Openings should be no bigger than 1/2" x 1/2"

If you have a wheel or lots of ledges in the cage, remove those so mom doesn't jump off and land on the baby or stay too far away from the babies.

Also, get a scale, you can find them in the kitchen section at Walmart, and weigh the babies daily at the same time each day to make sure they continue to gain weight. If they don't gain weight because mom doesn't have enough milk then you will need to hand feed.
Thanks for the info. I'll take out the ledges/wheel, that was something I hadn't considered! My male chin has been separated as well.
This was so random and I'm so happy, but what do I do?

I just want to point out as well, or maybe ask, why was this random? Generally if you put an unaltered male and female together, the outcome is offspring. I know a lot of people think this won't happen for some reason, but were you intending to breed them? If you were not, then you need to keep them apart permanently.
I just want to point out as well, or maybe ask, why was this random? Generally if you put an unaltered male and female together, the outcome is offspring. I know a lot of people think this won't happen for some reason, but were you intending to breed them? If you were not, then you need to keep them apart permanently.

Well I've kept her apart from my male chins since I got her, so she must have been pregnant already and I didn't realize it. She was rather small when I got her (still growing), and since I'm inexperienced at this I just thought she was reaching full size, not getting bigger due to pregnancy! I've never intended to breed, so I've definitely always had them in separate cages.
Ugh, so someone sold her to you pregnant and didn't let you know it might happen? Wow, that is not cool. I'm glad everything went okay with the delivery.
She was given to me by a friend who's chinchilla had had babies a year ago, so at least I didn't pay for her, but yeah I'm definitely glad she's okay because I feel she's on the young side for this. The babies look strong too from what I can tell. I'll upload a picture soon.

By the way, can I have absolutely no shelves in the cage? I feel bad since I took out the wheel, she won't get much exercise until I let her out for playtime.
I would not let her out for playtime while she has young kits. Right now, they need all the calories she can give them. Also, as she's young, having kits may drag her down physically, and playtime will just take more energy she needs for the kits. She also needs the shelves removed so she can be down with the babies. Sometimes mom's, especially first time mom's, will go up on the shelves and then the kits can't get to them to nurse.

She'll be okay. It's only for 6 to 8 weeks, then she can have them back again.
Here are some! They're from my phone so not very good. The second is of Momma while she was pregnant, and the last I thought was cute because my boyfriends cat thought they were kittens :)


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PLEASE, do not let them near your cat again, ever. Not your kits, not your adult chinchillas. Cats can carry Bordatella which can be deadly to a chin. And no matter how docile your cat seems, he/she is a predator. It would take one puncture of a claw, one swipe of a paw and that kit would be dead.

Caged animals should never be allowed near noncaged animals, just as caged animals should not be mixed up in with different species.
ditto to what tunes said. My other concern is the direct sunlight on them. I would place the cage away from the sun. Even though your room may be cool enough they still can overheat if they are in direct contact with the sun for long periods of time.
I am afraid I am going to have to disagree - Yes, never let your chin(s) and a cat be together loose - It only takes a second for something to go wrong That goes for dogs also. However for 16 years I have had my chins in my home (caged) with cats and dogs with no problems. My cats and dogs go in the same rooms the chins are in.
Barb - Did you read what I said? Caged animals. I have 4 dogs in my house. My chins are in cages. They are not allowed to run loose with the dogs. You said the exact same thing then said you disagreed with what Jess and I said.

I didn't say you couldn't have cats or dogs in the house. That would be stupid since I obviously do, along with a zoo of other animals. I said do not let them be together.
I do not even let my cat go into the chin room at all. He is a bit too interested in them. It's just easier to keep them totally separate-there's less stress for me and the chins.
K no more cat, I have about 30 mice as well and he's never even gone after them, but the Bordatella scares me... good thing for this forum! Also their cage isn't in sunlight, they were just in a carrier earlier that I had placed by my window so I could take pictures.

Mama chin isn't liking the new baby-proofed cage. She keeps jumping up onto the sides of the cage, climbing her way to the top, then she does a spin and jumps back to the floor of the cage. It's scaring me because she lands pretty hard, and I had to take the babies out for a little while (when she was doing this nonstop) so they were safe. I hope she settles down soon.
I have to say, I didn't know any better when I first got Handbag before this forum. I would try to bring the cat and dog up to the cage so they could sniff each other out and "get to know one another." Live and learn. :)

Adorable little things!