under employment

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does anyone know if it's liegel to file for under employment? or if there is anything even like this? my anut said you can get under employment if you don't get the hours that you were getting or where told you would be getting.
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Under employment? Do you mean unemployment or is there a completely different thing that I've never even heard of?
This is a board for chinchillas and hedgehogs, not legal advice.
I think that is why it is in the "miscellaneous forums" section under family life and not in the animal section. I have seen lots of non-animal related topics here (in fact I can't say I have seen any animal related threads here), is there a new rule I missed?
That's an interesting question. I'm pretty sure that it would depend upon your local government. Are you actively looking for a job that can provide you with a better income (more hours, or more $$ per hour, etc.) I know that with the unemployment you need to be actively searching to better yourself... But then if you're making that little, then food stamps and welfare may be more helpful...?
there is underemployment i filed for it today. i'll find out in 2-3days if my claim want throw. and either my work will be forced to give me more hours or let me go than i will get full unemployment.
I know that [in Illinois, anyway] while you're on unemployment, if you make anything, you have to declare it when you call in, and I believe they deduct that amount from your weekly benefit amount. So if you get paid $100 and your benefit is $250 - they only send you $150, but that may vary from state to state.
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I just heard the other day of something like this (had never heard of it before) - at least in the case I heard of, one had to have an unexpected, involuntary cut in hours/pay to qualify. Like everyone... I'd say, check with your unemployment agency.
We have this in WV but I don't believe it is called "under employment".. those who work in seasonal type venus, such as resorts can claim loss wages status when they are full time at a place that has certain seasons in which there is less work. Just call the local office that you have and see what they say. It certainly isn't illegal to ask.