Uhg. So frustrated!

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So I recently moved back in with my parents so I could save up some money. Before I moved in I wanted to make sure I knew all of their rules. We decided I wouldn't have a curfew. Then, last night, my dad decided I didn't need to be on the internet past 11 pm. He set it up so that our web service blocks me out after that time. Its so irritating because, I can still leave the house whenever I want and come home whenever I want. But I can't relax in my room and watch a movie on fancast, or chat with my friends from my old town. My university classes haven't even started yet so its still summer, for the next few days at least.

I hate it, I feel like they manipulated me into moving home and then trapped me because they won't let me move out again either even though I've lived out of the house and taken care of myself for over a year.

I'm just so frustrated and don't know how to talk some sense into them, or get them to understand. Any ideas that might get them to see my point of view? or does anyone know how to undo this lock they've put on my internet?
I definitely know how you feel. I have to live with my parents during the summer and it is really annoying. I'm having a hard time finding a job currently, so I can't afford an apartment. My car just got totaled so I'm having to rely on other people (my parents mostly) to get me from point A to point B and back, but I have to revolve that around their schedule. :hair: I got 7 grand from my accident, but since it was under my stepfather's name, it went into his pocket instead of mine. Now I'm looking for cars and I have a 3,000 dollar "allowance" for a car, but I can't go look until my stepfather is home which is 1 day a week and he usually sleeps during that day. It is very frustrating being here, so I know how you feel completely. Once you have flown the nest and gained your independence, it makes you feel low and loose self esteem to come back. It sucks. :cry3:

They are now saying I need to find a job if I am living here. Well, I told them I needed a car in order to get to work, and their response is "No you don't, cars are the reason you are in the situation are in now. There is no reason why you can't work on the weekends while we are home to take you and pick you up from work." :err::banghead:

My social life has gone out the window and is nonexistent, and I get treated like a child now when before I was treated as an adult.

Sorry, I just needed to vent a bit also, and this seemed to be the appropriate place to do such. But no, I don't know how to undo the lock. Never even heard of one.
Brittney, that's so frustrating. I know about the job thing. I had a job I LOVED up where I used to live, but I was hanging out with the wrong crowed and needed a change. I was just going to move to another town close by, but my mom said she would help me with everything down here until I find a job. I apply for so many jobs everyday but haven't found one yet. Every time I need something they complain or say I just have to figure out how to do with out it. I should have never moved home again.

I'm sorry your car was totaled, and I hope not with you in it! and I hope you can find a car you like to replace it soon.
Awww...you two, I am so sorry! I could never, ever live with my family. Noooo, that would be the worst torture of anything ever.

Brittney, you can find something pretty nice for $3000. It'll be okay. :) I'd say that you can use my van, but you wouldn't like my van - that would really hurt your social life. :p

It's funny that your stepfather took the money! LOL Not funny for you, I know. Seriously, you can find a vehicle that will work...it'll be alright, I promise.
Ug, my mom has moved in with us at various times, sometimes to help us, somestimes to help her. OMG how we fought. Brittney, have you thought about renting a car to help with your car search? You can rent a little one for less than $20 a day.
gees, if my parents move in with me ever i'm going to block everything from them. lol. jk.
Brittney, have you thought about renting a car to help with your car search? You can rent a little one for less than $20 a day.

Yes. The rents said it would need to come out of my pocket and I'm pretty much broke currently from paying back my student loans from my first college. And, 1)I'm too young to rent on my own 2)I have no money 3)I would need someone to get me there which just won’t happen. Kind SOL until my stepdad decides to be awake for the brief periods of time he is. I've secretly been calling people about their cars on Craigslist and having my mechanic friends look them over before I even call. He'll have a bad day Saturday when I tell him I have scheduled 6 viewings for the day through the whole Valley pretty much, and he has to go with me. Oh well, whatever gets it done. School starts in November for me, so I've got a while, but I do need to get back into working.
I know Nextel has a wireless connection thingy you just plug into your computer, or laptop, and go anywhere!
I'm currently on AT+T wireless and if it goes down, I've a choice of 2 neighbors it'll hook-up to, depending on signal strength.
Moving back with parents can strain their/your relationship anytime! Age doesn't matter!
You'll be their child forever - therefor, their rules!
Like an air card? ussually those are just temporary things, I know verizon only has plans for theirs that go up to five hours a month.
No, these are good 24-7, as long as you pay the bill! Check it out, I think they have a websight!
I am so sorry things are going bad for you at your parents house. I have a 19 year old son living with me still, my older two have moved out. Since he is 19, he can come and go as he pleases and he can eat anything in the house, use the computer whenever he wants, etc. He is an adult. The only thing I will NOT permit nor condone is underage drinking and having girlfriends overnight. I wish your parents would give you the same respect.
While I can totally understand all viewpoints on this matter let me just say that no matter how old you are you will always still be a child--their child to your parents.
I moved in with my parents at 28 after a divorce. I lived there for a year and a half and it was very difficult. I had to eat what they ate, after being the ruler of my own kitchen for 6 years I was now reduced to KP duty. But I needed my parents, I needed them to help me as I was a divorced woman without a job and a 3 year old son. Then when I did get a job with a bank I worked the weekends and until 8pm on Fridays so they were reduced to babysitters.
I constantly got ragged on for high long distance phone bills, which I paid, but still I felt like a child again.
But through these many years my parents have helped us all out in various times. I think even though your parents see you as an adult, know you are an adult, you are still their child and they can't get past that mentality.
My son is 21 and I still call him honey for crying out loud! He's a grown man/boy 6'5" tall and I'm saying did you sleep good honey? Crazy!
I think what may work is if you show your trust worthy, prove to them you deserve to have free range of the net. Give it some time--time for both of you to adjust to living together again.
Then in a very mature way, present your case.

I know this is frustrating, but please try to remember your parents do all they do for you simply because they love you. Or at least I hope that's why they do it.
Awww...you two, I am so sorry! I could never, ever live with my family. Noooo, that would be the worst torture of anything ever.

But you have a veritable chinnie army that you can unleash upon them! Nothing like 260 chinchillas climbing all over your parents to get them to say "Aww.... These little ones are so cute.... oh are you still here? Go do whatever you want. Look at this one, honey! It's 3 colors! And this one is begging! OH LOOK THAT ONE IS POPCORNING!"
You are gonna have to remember that child or not you are under their roof. And they are doing you a HUGE favor by allowing you(a legal adult) to stay while you save money. I remember when I was living with my parents at 19(a few months in the summer) again at 20 for the summer and again at 21 while I was waiting for renovations to be completed after the sale on MY house, I had a 10pm bedtime. Now I was in college full time, in a sorority and had night time classes that ran to 9:30pm. Makes for an interesting conversation with a cop when you get pulled over for speeding. "Officer, I just got out of class and I need to get home in time for bed!" Oh yea! Did I mention I was PAYING THEM to live there. I WISH I was able to sae money while living with my parents.

If not going on the computer is the worst thing your parents can do to you then you have life pretty made.

Not that Im going against your parents.. but most cell phones have internet and applications to AIM, MSN etc.. Cant you get on that way?

Like an air card? ussually those are just temporary things, I know verizon only has plans for theirs that go up to five hours a month.

Its 5GB a month..Not hours.. And Sprint has one for 5GB but I always go over and there are no overages with them.

ETA: Im not sure of your time zone.. but I have you posting after 11pm in this thread. SHAME SHAME!!:tease:
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But you have a veritable chinnie army that you can unleash upon them! Nothing like 260 chinchillas climbing all over your parents to get them to say "Aww.... These little ones are so cute.... oh are you still here? Go do whatever you want. Look at this one, honey! It's 3 colors! And this one is begging! OH LOOK THAT ONE IS POPCORNING!"
HeHe LOL My mom loved all my animals, you brought me some memories and and few tears (not too hard to do) Vera, and everyone, while your parents do drive you crazy :wacko:, just be glad you still have them.
I'm with Susan! I could never, ever move back in with my folks. I can barely make it a few days with them. I understand how you feel, stupid, petty things keep me from visiting but once a year - and only for a week. In the middle of that week I take a two day trip to see Ronda four hours away!

After college I packed my crap up and moved 3,000 miles to a place I didn't know to stay with old college buddies (homeless, no money, no job) instead of moving back in with my folks.

Where there is a will, there is a way. :))
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I agree!
I don't ever think that I could move in with my parents. I would move into the basement of college buddies or rent a room from a little old lady... or crash in a cardboard box before I moved back home. I think that we would hurt each other after a few days.

It must be hard!!
Good luck though!
Im not sure of your time zone.. but I have you posting after 11pm in this thread. SHAME SHAME!!

NA, the internet stopped working at eleven. It was ten something when I posted.

I don't ever think that I could move in with my parents. I would move into the basement of college buddies or rent a room from a little old lady... or crash in a cardboard box before I moved back home. I think that we would hurt each other after a few days.

I looked at a few places yesterday to see if I could afford moving out. But, with a part time job since I'm going to school it's nearly impossible. rooms are so expensive here. I was pleasantly surprised however that landlords at most houses said it would be okay to have Hercules there. :) I thought it was going to be hard to find somewhere to live with him.

My parents and I talked again, now the internet doesn't get shut off until 1 AM. which I think is much more reasonable. Hopefully since we have the rules worked out things will start going more smoothly.
I guess I don't understand why the internet has to be shut off at all. Unless your keyboard is VERY, VERY loud and it keeps them awake.

I love my Father to pieces but visiting him a few hours every month or two is about all I can take. He keeps forgetting I'm an adult and treats me like a 12 year old. Reminding me to change the oil in my car, to have the kids help me around the house (two don't live with me anymore), to lose weight but then he wants me to 'eat more'. He drives me NUTS but I do love him.