Ugghh...He did it again!!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
So this is week 2 with my new lil guy and boy is he sneaky! I was in his cage, replacing his hay and water and wouldn't you know it...He ran right past me and jumped out of his cage!!!!!! This is the 3rd time he's done it. He's a con artist too....He comes up to me acting all friendly and then BAM! We tried to get him back in for a good 45 minutes when I finally had to get to bed so I ended up throwing a towel over him and picking him up that way. I didn't want to, but had no other choice...Nothing else worked! I offered treats, his dust bath and making "steps" back up to his cage....Arrrgghh...!!!!! Needless to say, I got the stink eye this morning and I'm afraid it put me back to square one... The other 2 times he did it, I was petting him in his cage and he ran right out. He's making bonding difficult!
Im also a new chin owner! I think he f he is running out of his cage, he must be very curious and want some playtime!

Can you take his cage into a room he can run in? I use my bedroom. We open the cage door and then kick back for a movie or a good book. My room isnt 100 percent chin safe, but if I approach either of my guys they bolt! So its pretty easy to keep them out of trouble!

This has been my expierence so far, in the short week that ive been a Chin Mamma :) as with anything ymmv :)

Its funny tho, the less interest I show in them, the more interested they are in me. So they hop around playing and always go back to thier cage many times during playtime. When ive had enough, I shut the cage and its really stress-free. if i need to put them away its fairly easy to herd them back into thier cage.
They are sneaky, determined little brats. Enjoy his intelligence and antics, he will mellow out a little bit in a few years. Until then, he will keep you on your toes. LOL.
Escaping is like street cred for chinchillas. they need to build that cred
Wow.... o-o My boy's never escaped. Once I didn't quite latch one of the upper doors on his CN all the way by accident and came down the next day to find that it was wide open. I immediately started panicking only to realize that Pepper was just sitting there totally chill still in his cage and the only thing he'd done while the door was open was take the opportunity to throw a bunch of stuff out of his cage that normally wouldn't fit through the bars, making me pick 'em up. If he was really determined he could've got out but he just chilled.... Now that he's a bit bolder I'm not so sure he wouldn't try to get out...!! I make sure to double and triple check the doors now to make sure they're fully shut!
It wouldn't be a huge deal, but he's only pushing the 3 month old mark and too young for extended playtime. The few times I've let him out for a short 5 min play time, he doesn't want to get back into his cage. I'm going to buy some stairs for the FN cage and see if he'll go back in himself if I can lure him in with a treat. :)
Gotta love their antics! I have one that I had to get a new cage for because he figured out the latch!