Tying fleece?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
I was talking to my friend who has a ferret and she said she made her a hammock by just getting fleece and tying it to the sides of the cage.. I was just wondering if something like that would work for chins? or has anyone tried this??
If the strings hang in or near the inside of the cage, there's always the possibility that chins could chew them. The hammock probably wouldn't last too long. Also, if they're constantly jumping in and out of it, I would imagine the strings would stretch a lot and eventually break.

I haven't tried it before, so I'm not positive though. But I have left scrap fleece by the cage and they tried to chew it, so I would imagine the strings would be the same way.
That's how I make my hammocks. You have to cut the fleece a certain way to make it work, but it's basically a no-sew hammock. I haven't had any issues with it
I've made hammocks that are put together by tying the fleece together...but I've always used grommets and clips to attach them to the cage. If you just tied the fleece itself to the cage, I'm not sure how well or how long that would hold up. I've had chins that will slightly nibble on fleece...if they were to nibble on one of the pieces holding it to the cage, the hammock could potentially fall. Versus with metal holding it to the cage...bit more difficult for them to knock it down. I go better safe than sorry but that's just how I am.
That's how one of my hammocks is done. The one that goes in the middle of the 6ft tall cage so the most they could fall is 3ft. Say the cage is 24inches wide and 48inches long. I cut out a rectangle of fleece 2inches less. 22x46. I cut 1-2 inches wide strips of fleece maybe 3 feet long. I snip one little hole in each corner about 2-3 inches away from the edge. Use the fleece "rope" to tye it tight (twice) Fleece stretches, pull it tight!
I've had mixed success. Some of my chins have chewed, others have no issues. I'm trying Grommets tomorrow as a matter of fact. I just wouln't put it high in the cage because you don't want them to fall.
Thanks everyone for the advice! I decided to try it i put it towards the bottom and i cut slits in the corners and tied it to the sides of the cage that way.. and i'll keep an eye on him
I can't figure out how to post pics otherwise I would put a pic of it lol