two girls

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I would like to let my two hogs have playtimes together and wondered how many people do this and also how many people have girls living together??
I have read that some females can live together but wondered if this was usually litter mates or can two unrelated hogs be introduced and get along?
I only have 1, but I know they must be quarantined for 30 days to make sure they are both healthy and happy. Then, you must watch carefully when you introduce them to make sure there are no problems. I think that whether or not they get along in the same cage depends primarily on their personalities.

Good luck! :)
I kept my three girls together after they were weaned for quite awhile. I just felt they were better off alone, it always bothered me that if one of them got sick I would have a hard time figuring out who it was. It is definitely possible, just make sure to quarantine that is really important, and then do neutral playtime and just see how it goes! Be there and ready.
Yes I am very strict on quarentine as I breed chinchillas so am always careful.
I will try it and see.
Often females will house together just fine. There are those cases where a female has turned on another female and caused injury and occasionally those injuries lead to the death of the hedgehog.

You'll also always need a second cage or a way to split your cage should one of them get sick an need separated.

I have housed hedgehogs together. I had a mother/daughter and a sister pair. Both did quite well and seemed to enjoy each other. The biggest problem I ran into was that in both cases the cage mate became depressed and when the other died.

As to introductions. With Rose & Poptart they were allowed to meet each other several times under very close supervision. After one of those meetings the girls dove under a blanket and were cuddling together. After that they have been allowed unsupervised visits. I don't house them together due to different diet requirements though.