Two girls born last night!

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Well today I went out to get together a sale list that's long over due, and what did I see on the floor but a little eb running around! She snuck out of her pan, but when she bit me when I picked her up, I knew who that feisty girl belongs too! Traveler and Odd had twins last night!

Baby is okay and back with mom, but not until after attempting to spray her first! What a great little child huh?! :neener:

So here is a photo of the two, both girls, I'm going to call the white a white eb carrier as she doesn't seem to show any eb in her coloring really, but maybe time will change that. I will probably keep the ebony girl and sell the other!

They are precious, Nicole. :D

Ouch on the bite though. I've heard kit bites hurt like the dickens.
LMAO, she DID! She probably just came back in from the house, that's why she was out! When I took her out the second time she was okay, I'm sure the first time seeing a big huge human person was rather frightening! Shows how good their instincts are, she was just protecting herself!

They are both girls.
Aww lovley looking chunky kits congratulations

Very nice - don't ya love those little "escapees" when they're only hours old? Had one do that, named him Fearless!
The lil escapee reminds me of my daughter when she was young. That was her attitude to. P**S on you mom. They are dolls though. I need to move to the mid west or somewhere like that where there are tons of chinnies and NO SHIPPING!!!!!!!!!! LOL
They are absolutely adorable congrats! My boy Louis escaped just after birth I found him and returned him to Mum Angel.She completely changed her attitude to me after that.She just wasn't friendly before ever but after this episode we were/are best friends.
awwwwww they're so cuteeee!! Such a feisty one you have there
Congrats on your two adorable kits! I'm guessing the kit bite is nothing compared to your tiel's bite! Your poor hands... :)
I wanna go to Nichole's petting zoo where the pony ride ends with broken bones, the birds of prey exhibit swoops down and attacks you and the chinchilla petting corral includes piercings and golden showers. I wanna go NOW mommy!
Really cute babies, I keep my fingers crossed that the babies won't escape again.