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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
So, Furby is being treated for a minor URI and naturally I have been watching him like a hawk! He has another appointment with the exotic vet tomorrow afternoon. He seems to have gained weight. I find this bizarre because his appetite, though wasn't ever that large, decreased. As i know is a common side effect of Baytril, I made an appointment to visit the vet to a) make sure his wheezing has gone down when listened to under a stethoscope and b) to see if they sell critical care or can suggest ways to make him eat more. (I AM trying to buy Life Line but darn Paypal won't get my money in there fast enough!)

Anyway, he seems heavier, his stomach seems larger. I read up on symptoms of bloat and aside from a larger tummy, I don't see any symptoms of it. Although he seems to have a slightly lower level of energy, I figure this is from being sick? he is very active and playful and hops around in his cage at night. He doesn't seem to be in pain, he's doing all the normal stuff and his poop is normal. What else could cause this, or am I imagining things? What would a "bloated" tummy feel like?