My girlfriend and I have been looking to get our chin pedro a bigger cage for a while now and I made an impulse buy today at petco. Its a marchioro brand sara line. Its HUGE and seems to be great build quality. The only problem is that instead of ramps like he's used to it uses tubes to get between levels. He seems to love everything about the cage except for the tubes. He seems afraid to travel up them. I was a little aprehensive about getting it with the tubes but the box said it was for chinchillas so I figured he'd figure them out. Is this a bad setup for a chinchilla or will he get used to the tubes in time? It seems like a great cage and took forever and a lot of swearing to get this thing put together so id hate to return it.
Ps. I would attach a link but I'm posting from my phone.
Ps. I would attach a link but I'm posting from my phone.