Trying a new tactic

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So the last time Chilli had his teeth filed, he never seemed like he had any relief from the pain. I was gearing myself up to put him to sleep last week, but I could not make that decision. I had him out for playtime and he was still bouncing off the walls and being happy. And then he stopped eating his pellets and I knew he was hurting. I figured if feeding him CC was a trauma for him, it was time.
Well, he just sits there and gobbles the syringe. I open the cage and there he is, ready to eat. So I could not put him down. He still has will to eat and play and live.
So, each time, I have not handfed him right after the trimmings since he wanted to eat on his own. But I got to thinking, maybe he needs to rest his mouth a bit.
So I had him filed today, and I am going to hand feed him for a few days to let his mouth rest and heal. Maybe that will help him get back to being able to chew on his own with less pain faster if he is not constantly aggravating the already sore area. Isn't that what the docs tell us when we hurt something, stay off it and let it heal?
What do you all think?
how long are you going between filings?
i was in the same place as you and i decided not to put him down and see how long he could go between filings. If it was too often than it was only hurting him but if he could hold on a few months than I would see his overal demeanor and go from there.
his last filing was in august. he is doing great. he is very feisty and playful. he is really starting to eat more on his own and hay and some treats, which he never did.
after a filing, chilli should be on some pain meds as his mouth hurts and i agree you should supplement with handfeeding but offer pellets as well. the pellets help with the tooth wear. i would also offer every possible item that you can get your hands on to help with the tooth wearing............sticks, pumice, loofah, hays, etc.....
if you are constantly getting his teeth filed and by the time he is feeling up to eating you are getting them filed again, it is time to think about letting him go.
i know it is a hard decision and i remember the days that i sat in my bathroom as i was handfeeding him, crying tears on his little head but you have to think about how hard this is on him.