Trixie the Chinchilla

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
I am sad to announce the passing of Trixie the chinchilla over to the Rainbow Bridge on Wednesday, May 29th in the afternoon. Her illness got the better of her, and she is now free of pain and suffering.
She was almost 9 years old, and we were her proud parents for all but the first 6 months of her life.
She was a very happy and healthy chin who lived to run and play. She loved to watch the television from her cage, especially seeming to enjoy Dancing With the Stars and anything with singing or music. She would even watch football and boxing with her daddy.
It was not unusual to see her do her Meercat stand at the door of her cage if she wanted out, or some attention.
We are just glad that up until her last illness she had no real health issues, her teeth were fine and she was very content with us (we hope). She is now outside, buried under the evergreen next to her cavy brother, who passed on before she came to live with us.


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I'm sorry for your loss of Trixie. I know how heartbreaking such a loss is, especially when she was a family member for so long. She will be remembered.
I was reminded of this poem..written for a cat loss, but I adapted it..God Asked the Chinchilla Spirit

And God asked the chinchilla spirit
"Are you ready to come home?"

"Oh, yes, quite so," replied the precious soul.
"And as a chinchilla, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself."

"Are you coming then?" asked God
"Soon," replied the whiskered angel.
"But I must come slowly
My human friends are troubled
For You see, they need me, quite certainly."

"But don't they understand?" asked God,
"That you will never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined, for all eternity,
That nothing is created or destroyed,
It just is... forever and ever and ever?"

"Eventually they will understand," replied the chinchilla,
"For I will whisper in their hearts - that I am always with them
I just am... forever and ever and ever."

:cry3:— Author Unknown