Trixie gets her first Blue Cloud Bath

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
I did not have my camera with me..wish I did--last night when Trixie took her first bath in Blue Cloud. She LOVED it. Of course, she had gone a day or two longer since her last bath than usual as she had run out of dust, and I could not et to Petsmart til yesterday.
Anyway, she ran for her bath as soon as she ot out of her usual for bath day. Honestly she just rolled and rolled in it. She'd hope out, then right back in. She then jumped on the roof of her bath house and peeked in. Then up to me and gave my neck a nuzzle,. I usually keep the dust container on the cedar chest in the room...she ran over later and inspected that too. She spent a good part of her play time just sittin at diffrerent spots around the room starring at her bath could almost see the little red love hearts coming from her eyes.
Will try to get pictures next bath
I remember when Banilly had her first Blue Cloud bath!!! She looked like a totally different chin! She was so gorgeous and so happy. She popcorned all over the cage, and then kept rolling around on the floor. Silly baby :))