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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
Salem OR
I'm sure this has been asked several times, but I can't seem to find the answer that I want.

How often -should- you get treats? I've read some things that says a raisin a day is good. I have been giving them a raisin about every other day. Their poop is just fine. I have some rosehips coming from Randy-Chin and some flower salad from Essentia. I got a test bag of goji berries from Ralston Chin Ranch. They love them!!! I know variety keeps them excited, and I'll be getting other treats soon.

But how much should I give??? There's so many things that say a treat a day is good, some say two treats a day, others say one a week. I know each chin is different but there's gotta be a general guideline.
Absolutely no rainsins what so ever. Chins should not receive fruit of any kind- fresh or dried. They contain way too much sugar that can cause major GI upset that can lead to bloat and/or stasis.

Honestly, treats aren't needed at all. They serve no purpose to the chin's overall health or diet. Treats are for owner's gratification and feeling good, not the chins. My chins either get a pinch of rosehips and oats or a chin cookie once a week and that's it. I won't give treats anymore than once a week. However I give apple sticks and other types of wood every night. They love these just as much as treats, if not more.
Definitely no raisins--too high in sugar as are all dried fruits. As Stacie said treats are more for our pleasure than the chins, which basically is a lie as chins love threats--however they are not necessary to their diet just as chocolate and ice cream is not necessary to ours. If you're going to give them what is acceptable are: dried rose hips crushed or whole (these are full of vitamin C and good for the chin) a plain cheerio, a half of a small plain shredded wheat, a tiny pinch of old fashioned cooking oats, Crysta (Essentia) sells a fabulous chinnie salad full of good things for chins. Some people give supplement to their chins that many breeders make themselves, some people supplement their chins diet with lifeline which is sold by

If your going to give treats do so in moderation. A treat a day is not necessary, two high fiber treats in a row is not a good idea i.e plain shredded wheat and a pinch of oats.

I do like to give treats to my chins because it makes me happy to see them happy. I give dried rose hips about 3 times per week, if I give them only two times per week then I will give the fiber items--plain cheerio, plain shredded wheat, a pinch of oats. I don't give treats every day but try to do it every other day or every 2 days.

If I'm going to traumatize my chins like with checking jaws, pulling a chin out of the cage to look at a squinted eye, grooming, or hair ring checks then they get a treat--I think it's only fair--however these are not everyday normal occurrences.

Sometimes a treat is necessary in keeping a chin on a scale when weighing them too.
Are dried vegetables ok for an occasional treat? I just ask because my rats love dried vegetables (especially green beans). I have never given Pebbles any.
Dried vegetables are also a big no for chinchillas. Vegetables, dried or fresh can cause bloat.
Thanks for the input, but I have another question.

Before I posted this thread, I looked for answers. I saw people recommending dried blue berries, dried goji berries, and dried apple slices. I know that a lot of breeder sites and chin supply site sell the dried goji berries and apple slices; that confuses a lot of people, including me, into thinking that they're safe.

As for chew things; my chins have loofah, lava, pine, poplar, apple, chubbas, pumice, vine, cholla, and of course timothy hay. I want to get a mix of a bunch of twigs, but I've not seen anywhere selling a mix. I was wondering, are dried bamboo sticks safe for them?
It's up to you to be educated on the safe things for your chins. Many places sell things that are not deemed safe, so you have to know what you're buying. Some people use the dried fruits...I refuse as I know what problems they can cause. Not only can they cause GI upset, but they can also cause dental problems. I remember ticklechin posting an article awhile back about cavities in chins, and the dried fruit has the sugar that can contribute to it.