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I was wondering what treats are best to buy for chins. I haven't baught any yet and was just wondering which would be best?
My personal list is:

Bite sized, nonsugared shredded wheats.
A pinch of old fashioned oats.
Dried rosehips.
Organic rosebuds.
Some herbs and flowers, though someone would have to tell you which are safe as that's not my thing.
The very occasional cheerio.
Lots of chin safe wood chews.

I am not a huge fan of treats. I prefer to give wood chews, rosehips, or the occasional shreddie - but that's about it.
All of those are what I use.

The only extras are cookies that I purchase from members here.
I use two different cookies, one is oat based that I get from stacey wolf and 75% of my chins like them.
and the other is hay based and ALL my chins love them and they are from Essentia.

both cookies are broken up into smaller pieces as I would rather give them a small treat every day.

I do use herbs daily with my chins. all are organic and i make my own mix. thier favorites: peppermint, red clover, dandelion, rasberry leaf, hibiscus flowers, bee pollen & pink rose petals. given in extreme moderation, about 1/3 - 1/2 teaspoon total of the mix, which includes other things, so they really only get a small amount. you need to be very careful with herbs.
My chins love apple wood. Especially the little twig like ones. I know that sounds weird but the will choose a small twig over a big piece anyday....other then that mine like the shredded wheat and dried rosebuds..
I use two different cookies, one is oat based that I get from stacey wolf and 75% of my chins like them.
and the other is hay based and ALL my chins love them and they are from Essentia.

Interesting my girls are opposite, they like Essentia's cookies but they LOVE Stacey's

Besides the other things mentioned, I also give my girls some of the Ryseron's supplement, which they LOVE -