Treats for my chin

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2010
Im still kind of new to the chins as some people can tell lol.I had 2 when i was younger long time since then i got to 2 new boys yesterday as a rescue whats good treats to get them to come to me come thing they love the most
If they are new to you, I would focus first on making sure that they are on healthy pellets and hay as their main diet.

Later if you want to give an occasional treat, you'll have to see what your chins like. Stay away from raisins. I have had good luck with old fashioned rolled oats or oat groats. Some people give plain shredded wheat. Rose hips. You could use the search function at the top and search for "treats" and see ideas.

Some chins will come to you to get a bath. My chin will come to me if I ignore her and don't look as if I want to get her. They each have their own terms, it seems.

Good luck with your rescues.