treating pine

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Mar 17, 2012
Hi! I want to try to make some homemade wood chews for my chin. She seems to really like pine. I know that only kiln dried is safe but to treat it do I literally have to put it in a kiln?? I know this might be a stupid question but I dont want to feed her anything unhealthy. To treat the pine can I simply scrub, boil, and bake it? Thanks!
I'm not sure if pine is safe for them, but a lot of people use them for ledges in there cages, so I'm guessing it is safe. Just make sure you prepare it right, espeically if your getting it from outside!

This is how I prepare my chins apple wood:

Scrub it all down with hot water.

Soak in hot/ water for 2 hours.

Boil for 20-30 minutes.

Bake on 270F for 4 hours.
Yes, it has to be kiln dried. There is a ton of sticky sap in pine and it is not safe for a chin to consume. It has to be baked completely out - hence the kiln dried part.

Why would you want to go to all that work anyway? Pine at a lumberyard is cheap. You've only got one chin and you can make a ton of stuff from one pine board.