Travelling Opinions

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
Northeast US
So I have to go home this weekend again. Unfortunately, the transmission in my car has problems. I am borrowing one of my parents' cars (thank god, erm...them, actually, for that) while they deal with fixing it because I can only go to a shop I can walk to and from (which I did, but they don't fix transmissions) and with my 12 hour days, I don't really have time to anyways. It's an old car so there's a good chance that it won't even be worth it to fix it.

My roommate usually watches Chloe when I leave and sometimes I take her with me. Since she's got a new boyfriend, she is rarely home and wouldn't be able to take care of Chloe like before. She would be able to check up on her once a day, I'm guessing. And I could be gone for as little as 24 hours, if I wanted to, but I would like to see a friend or two.

My question is do you think it's worth it to have my roommate check up on Chloe once or twice while I'm gone (24-48 hrs max) rather than her go through the stress of travelling? I was worried about her chewing recently and she lost a lot of weight in a day but I think she actually just got something stuck in her mouth and she has gained that weight back. Granted, I'm pretty much always worried about something with her.

What would you guys do? Would you leave without her for only 24 hours? Would you leave as long as 48? Or would you not chance it, pack her up and drive home (I don't think my car would die on me on the way there but I guess it's always a possibility--I would leave during the day so someone could pick me up easily if I was stranded)?
I go on one long vacation for 7-8 days with my family every year. We also do alot of small 2-3 day road trips as well. I have my mom who comes to my house every day to check on them (& my house) while I'm on vacation and to refill water bottles and food bowls. I have a timer for the lights and radio to come on as well. IMO, I would let your roommate check on her while your gone rather than take her with you. It sounds like it would be better for her to stay at home than to stress her out for such a short time.
She will be fine. Even if your roommate doesnt check on her she will be fine. Every once in a while I have to skip playtime or dont make it to their room to change their water, it doesnt seem to bother any of them in the least. Granted thats only a day, but two will not kill her. She will probably be happier than going though the stress of traveling anyway.
Every once in a while I have to skip playtime or dont make it to their room to change their water, it doesnt seem to bother any of them in the least. Granted thats only a day, but two will not kill her.

While I agree that traveling is probably the more stressful alternative, I would never go more than 24 hours without checking the water or food of my boys. They have two bottles and they have gone through both of them in a day and 2 bowls of food. If someone can at least look in on them, that would be great.
it would be ok if you just had your roommate check on her. in the time that ive had giz, ive gone on weekend trips about twice a month. i either had a roommate or a friend watch him. leave a care sheet for them, and tell them that no matter what, do NOT hesitate to call you if chloe looks off. i always tell my pet-sitter that "even if you dont want to upset me, let me know if Gizmo isnt looking well. id rather be able to come home right away".

while theyre usually ok, still have someone check on her at least once or twice a day. plus, since your car has been having trouble, leaving her would be your best bet. she'll get some peace and quiet, and get to stay in the ac. she'll be fine!
I would leave them and let the roommate check on them, especially with the car problems. I often go visit my parents for a few days at a time, and (besides the fact it would be impractical to transport a large number of chins) one of my friends has a key to my place and comes daily to check on them. She doesn't even have to stay long, just long enough to check the food/water and hay and refill/change as necessary. And peek in on the chins, check that they're all doing alright.
Thanks, guys. I was leaning towards leaving her here as it was. I know she most likely won't go through her water bottle or hay filled up and there's no way she'll eat all her food if I fill up her bowl (she hasn't ever dumped her food or thrown her pellets either).

The car worried me the most, as well. While it is pretty unlikely that it would die on me, and my parents know when I'm leaving so they know if they get a call from me that I need them to pick me up, I would worry the whole time as well.

I just spoke with my roommate and she said she'll be home and can check on her. yay (I figured she could, I was just making sure...she's used to the drill by now). Sweet beans.
She will be fine. Even if your roommate doesnt check on her she will be fine. Every once in a while I have to skip playtime or dont make it to their room to change their water, it doesnt seem to bother any of them in the least. Granted thats only a day, but two will not kill her. She will probably be happier than going though the stress of traveling anyway.

That's not very good advice...what would happen if they tipped over their food bowl, or their water bottle broke and they went 2 days without any food or water? What if her air conditioner went out? What if the chin injured itself? May not be likely, but it COULD happen. I would never leave my animals for 2 days without having someone able to check on them.
I would not leave mine that long, especially 2 days with no one checking. You are asking to come home to dead chins.
I would maybe leave for one day without anyone coming but most likely not and it would have to be a life and death emergency for me too. I worry when I leave them and I have someone to watch them, so I could only imagine how I would worry if I were to leave for a weekend with no one. Lucky for me, I have a good friend who notifies me of any weather related emergencies and she knows what to do in case the power goes out, until I can get home and move them. I tend not to go very far and usually have family/friends come and visit me, at my house if they can.

That's good that your friend is able to watch them, now you can go enjoy your weekend and have fun seeing old friends! :)
In the UK it is illegal to leave animals unchecked for more than 24 hours. I'd make sure someone could go in at least every day - as others have said, leaving a chin any longer is not recommended - chins can hurt themselves in a padded cell & it only takes them chewing on a water bottle etc ............
Personally I would not take the risk.
Thank you everyone for your concern. And just to make it clear, my roommate has agreed to check on her at least once a day. I would not feel comfortable leaving her alone all weekend or for a night. She is aware of basic chinchilla care and I always have a sheet of vet info in my emergency kit to leave out for her. She has a kitten here so she can't really be gone for too long anyways (he's not allowed in my room, and she knows this as well). I watch the cat sometimes and since I obviously can't this weekend, she will have to be here as it is everyday, plus she doesn't work weekends. I was just somewhat worried she would be out for a lot of the weekend and wanted to know others' opinions on it. But she has told me she has no plans to go anywhere major or be gone for a while. I am pretty confident I'm doing the right thing and a reasonably safe thing.